-chapter 10/end-

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Stu's pov

The rest of the drive went smoothly, we joked, kissed, and sang to pass the time. I caught myself glancing and Billy every few minutes, god I can't believe he's finally mine, he's so handsome, and perfect. Our next victim would be an old friend of ours, he spread a rumor me and Billy were gay causing me to start having to date girls to lower suspicious, thank Myers those days are in the past.

-time skip Billy's pov-

We arrived at the address around 9:00 it wasn't too hard to find him due to the fact he posts his entire life on the internet. Lives alone, no friends or family members, no job, no one to worry about him. The perfect victim. We got in played a few games with him then killed him nice and slow, everything was going to plan. We decided to stay the night there since it was around 1:00.

-Stu's pov-

I woke up to the sounds of voices and Billy's hand over my mouth. I sat as still as possible.
"They found us," he whispered softly.
I nodded understandingly, we moved slowly but not slow enough. The cops burst through the door making me jump.
"IT'S THEM, THE ONES I SAW ON THE HIGHWAY" one yelled. We stood up and sprinted as fast as I could, I heard gun shots and suddenly everything is in slow motion. I turned Billy was on the ground, blood slowly seeping from his stomach. I quickly turned and fell to my knees next to him.
"I-It's gonna be okay Billy, I-It's gonna be okay" I repeated over and over.
"Stu you're bleeding..." Billy choked out.
I'd been hit in my side. It was getting harder and harder to breathe.
"You're gonna be okay Billy I-I promise," I coughed out.
"I love you Stu.... take care of yourself," he manged to say after a bit.
His breathing was getting slower and slower. I held him close, I wanted to hold on forever.
Billy was the first to go, I still remember his lifeless eyes staring at me. I remember my vision being fuzzy and being extremely light headed. The cops pulled me to my feet and pulled me to the cop car. I went like about half way out the door, finally collapsing on the sidewalk.
"THIS ONE'S HURT TOO!" one yelled out.
I could hardly see, my vision was so distorted. I coughed up some blood, this was not looking good. I felt my head hit the pavement and everything go black.

                      It was over

____________________________________Holy shit it's gonna snow! I finally finished this book. Yes if you were wondering this is the end....thanks y'all for the votes and reads, see you next book.

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