-Chapter 8-

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(Billy's pov)

  I kick open the motel door with Stu in my arms. I set him down the bed and start examing his body for any sort of wounds. Thankfully I find none. I hold him close to my chest, we're both soaked. I quickly get up and change, not wanting to be away from Stu for long. After words I change Stu out of his wet clothes not wanting him to freeze. I'm not sure how long I sat there starring at him, waiting for something to happen. I began to cry. I let myself.
"I'm sorry Stu, I'm sorry I said all those things, I'm sorry I didn't love you the way you love me. I'm sorry I was so stupid. I love you Stu" I say aloud as I sob.

I finally fell asleep around midnight. It didn't help I slept on the floor. I don't deserve to sleep in the same bed as him.

(Stu's pov) 

I wake up back in the motel room. I'm not sure how I got  here. Light is streaming through the open window. I sit up in bed before looking around in an attempt to find billy. I look over the side of the bed to find him sleeping on the floor. I don't want to wake him in fear he'll be angry. I quietly slip into the bathroom for a shower. I hear some noise outside the bathroom, I quicken in getting dressed. Preparing for a fight in the process. I open the door to find billy sitting on the bed, head in hands. He looks up at me, his eyes are red and puffy.

(Billy's pov)

I hear a door open, I move my head from my hands, It's Stu! I Sprint over to him, he flinches, I back off a few steps before grabbing his face. I slowly stroke his cheek with my thumb, "I-I'm sorry" I manage to stutter through my sobs, "I'm so, so         s-sorry"

I feel his arms link around me as I burry my face in the crook of his neck.

(Stu's pov)

I rap my arms around Billy and feel him burry his face in my neck. I rub patterns in his back in an attempt to calm him down. After a few moments I feel tears running down my face. Billy mutters more apologizes into my shoulder as we hold each other. I pull away after a few more minutes of holding him.

(Billy's pov)

Stu pulls away and all I can do is apologize more and more.

"I'm s-sorry I duh-don't know what I was thinking" I manage to choke out.

" I-I love you S-Stu I don't know what I-I'd do without you" I say after I calm down a little

Stu stands there in shock for a moment or two, after that I can't really read his emotions. I put my head down knowing I fucked up. I sit on the floor of the motel softly sobbing for a few minutes before I feel a pair of arms slink around me. I look up to see Stu, his face only inches from mine.

"I could never ha-hate you Billy I l-love you more then anything else in this world" he stutters out.

I stare into his eyes for what seems like forever, in reality it was probably only a few moments. Stu starts to lean in and before I can process what's going on he's kissing me. I'm kissing back. If feels as if everything is right in the world again.

A/n sorry I haven't updated in a while (like forever but ok) I've just got a new phone that's a little less crappy so maybe I can update more luv ya


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