Chapter 1: "A New Friend"

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I'm not the best writer in the world, but I've had this idea in my head ever since I watched "Frienship Games"! I still really like the pairing of Sci-TwixFlash Sentry, and since it's pretty much discarted from canon now, I thought "that's it, I'll fix it myself!" So my goal with this story is to give Flashlight (or rather SciFlash) a good and believable relationship development, as well as their individual characters. I'm really not sure how long this story will be. It's mostly going to be slice of life things, but it will get exciting near the end! (Don't expect updates very often, though)

House after house, a stop every three minutes or so. It seemed like time was passing by slower and slower. Twilight Sparkle sat at the very last seat of the public bus, watching through her window as she got further from the city and closer to the small neighborhood where Canterlot High School was.

After everything that had happened in the Friendship Games, Principal Celestia thought it was the best thing to give her students a few days off to recover from yet another magical near-fatal experience. Now a week had passed and it was time for everyone to return to regular classes. Everyone was ready –and quite relieved– to at least stop worrying about magical threats and go back to normal.

And so was Twilight. Well, sort of ready.

This was going to be her first day at her new school, and she was everything but at ease. Her mind and thoughts were all over the place. She tapped her fingers against the window and her seat, and was shaking her knees up and down nervously.

Her books and backpack were at her right, and inside the backpack, aside from her notebooks of the day, was her faithful –talking– dog Spike. He popped his head out of the backpack and said to her:

"Calm down, Twilight. You're shaking like a bowl of jelly!"

Twilight was taken aback by the sudden voice of her animal friend. She looked around to make sure no one was looking at him.

"Spike, be careful!" she said in a whisper, leaning closer to him "We agreed you wouldn't talk in public, we don't want to call any attention to ourselves!"

"Come on, look around," Spike said as he gestured to the seats in front of them, "I'm sure we're safe."

Twilight glanced at the almost empty bus. Indeed, the closest passenger to them was four seats away, and he had headphones on. The other five people that were there were either sleeping, looking at their cellphones or too busy minding their own business that they weren't even paying attention to her and her speaking pet.

Twilight sighed in relief. "I guess you're right. Sorry if I'm so uneasy. I'm just really, really nervous."

"I know, but don't be so nervous." Spiked comforted. "Just act natural and I'm sure everything will be just fine!"

Twilight gave him a quick fake smile and turned her head back to the window again. She led out a sad sigh. Spike tilted his head a little to look at her reflection on the glass. She seemed sad, worried and somewhat... scared. He had known her long enough to know when something was bothering her. He walked out of the backpack and placed his front paws on her lap.

"Hey, what's the matter?" he asked with concern.

Twilight looked down at the window pane and rubbed her arm. "Do you think... they'll get over it?"

Spike was staggered by this response. "Do you mean... the whole Friendship Games incident?"

"The Rainbooms have told me that this isn't the first time something like this has happened, but... I was so awful..." she said, more to herself than to Spike, lost in thought. "I got so overwhelmed by all that magic... I nearly destroyed everything and everyone... will they be able to forgive me?"

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