Chapter 3: "Outburst"

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I keep forgetting to update over here... oh well. The plot starts to thicken here.

It didn't take Twilight as much as she thought to get adjusted to the classes in CHS. Well, not completely. The education level was alright, although a little bit lower than what she was used to. And thanks to the many hours she had spent investigating, learning by herself, and even inventing, it almost felt like children's play. The one thing she did miss about Crystal Prep was that she no longer had the option of going to her private study to study at her own pace, and her chemistry teacher, Ms. Harshwhinny, wasn't really teaching anything that Twilight didn't know already. But, she was aware that she had to spend more time amongst her fellow students in order to acquire social skills and, in words of Sunset, "learn more about friendship". This, she still had to get more used to.

Because of how basic these lessons felt for her, she got bored quickly. She began to worry, because lately, when she didn't keep her mind busy, she began to...


As hard as she tried to think about other things, the memory of that fateful day when she unleashed the magic still haunted her. The rush of all the power running through her body and taking over her mind, leaving her in a thoughtless state where all she could envision was this other world of discoveries and how she was willing to eliminate every obstacle that kept her from her goal...

...even if that meant ripping apart her own world.

She tried her best to snap out of it. She looked up and saw her friend, Flash Sentry, in front of the board trying to solve an exercise and finding out the molecular mass of four caffeine ions. He failed horribly, as he got even the formula wrong. Ms. Harshwhinny, whom Twilight's friends have told her to have a very short temper, snatched the chalk out of Flash's hand almost violently before he could even begin writing the mass of the first element.

"Mr. Sentry, you are staying behind in my class and your grades are lower each time!" She yelled at him, causing Flash to stare at her in almost horror. "I suggest you to stop playing rock-star like a child and begin focusing in more important issues, young man! Now back to your seat!"

Flash lowered his view and blushed in embarrassment. He did as he was ordered to. Twilight felt sorry for him, noticing the sad look that drew on his face as he sat next to his friend Brawly Beats, who patted his back in an attempt to make him feel better.

Twilight shared seats with Sunset, to whom she whispered: "Well, that was uncalled for!"

Sunset nodded and answered, as she kept looking at what the teacher was writing on the board, "She does that all the time when someone makes even the slightest mistake or does something she just doesn't like. We told you, she has a bad temper."

Sunset looked down at her notebook and continued to do the next exercise. These basic chemistry was piece of cake for her too, since the magical principles she learned back in the day in Equestria required much more complicated scientific knowledge, but she had spent so much time at Canterlot High School that she had grown used to working at the other's pace, mostly to dissimulate, partly due to the fear Ms. Harshwhinny inspired her and everyone else.

But Twilight certainly hadn't acquired this habit yet, and had already finished all of the exercises assigned for today's class, and even half of the ones due tomorrow. She looked back at Flash again and saw he was still upset. But then he looked up at her, and she gave him a comforting smile. He smiled back at her in thanks, although his gaze remained sad. She grabbed a marker and a sheet from her notebook and wrote a quick note, which she held up for him to see, without the teacher noticing.

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