Chapter 2: "A Welcome and a Memory"

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PLEASE REMEMBER: This chapter had been previosly written, that's why it's up so fast. I'm currently working on chapter 5, so once we get to the fourth chapter, please remain patient, because my updates usually take WAY longer than a week.

Twilight entered through the front door. There were a few people inside, and just like outside, they were reunited in groups, talking. She took a deep breath and stepped in. When she raised her glance, she saw her group of friends: the Rainbooms, who were gathered together, waiting for her. She wondered how come she hadn't seen them until now...

"Welcome to CHS!" the six of them said in unison, raising a handmade banner which had a picture of Twilight's face with the Wondercolts symbol on each side. One of the girls, who she remembered being named Pinkie Pie, pulled out a small cannon and shoot confetti from it, which fell on the girls' hair while they all cheered for their new classmate.

Twilight let out a delighted laugh and approached her friends. "Thank you, girls! Woah, this is amazing!" she exclaimed while she put her backpack on the floor and touched the banner. She was expecting them to give her a tour, but she wasn't expecting to receive this welcome. She... wasn't very used to get this much attention, but it was sure quite pleasant.

"Oh, don't mention it!" the girl with the cannon said, approaching Twilight and putting her free arm around her. "It's the least we could do for our new sister!" she chimed, as she held Twilight so tight that it made it difficult for the new girl to breath.

"Well," Twilight huffed, almost out of breath, while Pinkie Pie let go of her and Twilight tried to breathe normally again, "that's really nice of you... Pinkie, right?"

"Yup, that's me! We've already met, but let me introduce myself again!" she then tucked a hand inside her poofy pink hair and pulled out some sort of pink ID card and handed it to Twilight, as she said out loud what was reading on it: "Pinkie Pie: party planner, confetti master and smile maker at your service!" She once again pulled an arm around Twilight and smooshed her cheek tight against her, forcing her to look on her direction. She began pointing at each of her friends and naming them. "And these are Sunset, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle!" she finished pointing at the taken aback girl and pointing her cannon at the sky, firing confetti once again.

Sunset chuckled and took a few steps forward. "Alright, slow down, Pinkie. She's only just arrived. Let's not overwhelm her just yet, she needs to get used to you first."

Pinkie Pie put her canon away, behind her backpack, nodded cheerfully and gave a step back.

Sunset put a hand on Twilight's shoulder. "Ready to know your new school?"

"Sure..." Twilight answered, a little nervous, but eager.

Before they could start walking, Rarity leaned besides Sunset and cleared her throat loudly. Sunset turned to see the bright purple-haired girl and she tilted her head towards the rest of the group.

"Oh, right! I almost forgot." Sunset exclaimed. "Twilight, the girls here have some welcome presents for you."

"Oh, girls, you shouldn't have!" Twilight said, moved. Suddenly, Pinkie Pie slapped some sort of birthday hat with pony ears and streamers on her head. She took it off to take a good look at it. It was simply... hideous, but she faked a smile and spoke almost between her teeth: "You really shouldn't have."

"I know!" Pinkie cheered as she bounced a little. "I didn't know exactly how a Welcome-to-school-hat would look like, so I invented it! SURPRISE!" she yelled as she bounced a little more. Sunset just shook her head and rolled her eyes. Typical Pinkie...

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