Chapter 4: Bad Timing

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Happy New Year :D 

The next morning, Flash arrived at school on his car, like every other day. He parked it in his reserved slot, removed his keys from the ignition, activated the power lock, and got off with his backpack hanging from his shoulder and his guitar case on his back. He was looking at the ground, walking to the front door in an almost auto-pilot state. His way got suddenly cut off by some feet and a very familiar-looking mulberry puppy who was gnawing on a bone. This made Flash stop and look up to find a cheerful look in Twilight's face.

"Good morning! Ready for today's lesson?" she asked, holding up a Chemistry book in front of her.

Flash was left dumbfounded by this. He had barely woken up and now he had to put up with a class even before the day started...

This thought made him look at the clock on top of the school building. "It's 7:30. Classes won't start for another thirty minutes..." he said, rubbing his eyelids, which at this time, still felt a little heavy.

"That's fine, I can finish explaining yesterday's topic in twenty!" Twilight exclaimed enthusiastically, taking Flash by the arm and almost dragging him to the Wondercolts statue, where they had left the explanation unfinished the day before.

They both sat down and Flash was left with no choice but to roll with it. He yawned one final time and took off the bags he carried. He moved closer to Twilight as she opened the book on the page she had left off, which she marked with her periodic table. Flash took out his notebook and a pencil. He turned to see Twilight and she handed him a traveling mug. He curiously took it and felt it was warm. He removed the lid to smell its content and caught a delightful smell of hot coffee with a touch of vanilla and milk.

"I hope you like cappuccinos..." said Twilight as she drew circles on the lid of her own traveling mug with her finger. "If you don't, I can give you my espresso... and if you don't like coffee, I think I've got some orange juice in my lunch bag..."

"No, no, thank you, it's alright... cappuccinos are my favorite hot drink, actually" Flash said with a smile. He took a sip off his cup and swallowed slowly, closing his eyes and embracing the taste of his drink. His eyes suddenly widened as well as his smile. "Oh my god... this is SO GOOD!" he said excitedly, taking another sip and sighing afterwards. "Did you make this?" Twilight nodded and smiled bashfully. "This is the best coffee I've ever had!" Flash declared. "What'd you put in it?"

"Well, some cinnamon, vanilla, brown sugar, ¼ of milk... the secret is to heat it just the right amount of time..." she cut off when she turned to see Flash again and saw how he kept enjoying the cappuccino as if it was the first time he ever drank something warm. He clearly loved it and enjoyed every taste of it with a smile and his eyes closed. She smiled. It felt really nice to see him happy like this...

"I'm glad you like it" she said tenderly.

Flash leaned against the statue and let out another pleasant warm sigh. "I love it! Have you considered selling these? You would make a fortune!"

"Actually, I already sell them. Well, kind of. In the weekends, I prepare the coffee and hot drinks at my parents' cafeteria. The cappuccinos are, indeed, some of our best sellers."

"Your parents have a cafeteria?" Flash asked her, interested, after sipping from his mug again.

"It's actually just my dad's, but the whole family helps with it. Have you ever visited it? It's called The Royal Cheval"

"No, I have never been there." Flash said almost shamefully, scratching the back of his neck. "I don't actually go to the city that much, and when I do, it's mostly to some malls. But I'm definitely gonna check it out the next time I go!" he said as he continued drinking.

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