chapter 7 anger issues

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allys pov:

" hey hey hey guys calm down youse are causing a scene here"

"ally go away and let me sort this Dick out" harry scolded nor even looking at me and glaring at the man with blazing eyes.

"yeah ally do as your boyfriend sais" he sniggered behind me.

"darren shut the hell up before I rip your head of" harry snarled

"harry please just leave this"

"ally did you not here me go away"

"no harry I'm not a child"

"ooooo so some one with stand up to styles and they are still standing you must be whiped mate" who I now know to be Darren cockily sad. And in the blink of an eye harry slamed his fist in to his face, Darren groned in pain from the sudden impact. its safe to say both mr and Darren did not axspect that, I know harry has a temper but they must have some past together .

"HARRY" I screamed as he kicked the already painrd man in the stomach as he lay on the floor. we were now causing a massive crowed in the mall.

Harry just stormed of once I pulled him of off Darren.

I had no clue what to do, I'm just left with people staring at me.

I ran after harry to the parking lot where he was about to get in to his car

"harry what was all that about?!?!" I asked out of breath from the running.

"what do you care just leace me alone"

"of corse u care you can't just hit some one for talking to me , do you know him?"

"ally I Said leave it and if you must know yes I do "

"well can you please explain what he ment by me standing up to you and still standing??" I took a step forward as he took one rack angrily

"Al please just stop . ....... why are you so clingy I've only known you less than a month and you want to know my life story" he said obviously pissed

"well erm....... its just I care" I wispered bairly audable upset at what he said.

"well just don't no one ever has and no one will ever care about me" he said unlockibg his car.

I just stepped back confused at his last sentence. what does he mean no one cares?

"ally get in the car I'm taking you home"

"no I'm not going with you" I looked him in the eyes with my eyes that began to fill with tears.

"im not arguing with you GET IN!!!"

"why should I apparently I don't care"

"I need to be some were so get in the Fucking car before I make you" he pointed at me

"ughhhhh" I stormed in to the car slamming the door to show my fustration. if I wasn't so tiered of this long day j would of caried on arguing with him.

He followed me suite In to the car, I refused to look at him but I could tell he was pissed.

The car ride was completely silent all the way to my house as soon as harry pulled up I jumped out with out a word and slammed the door again and walked in to my house. My family were not back but the note said they would be late so I didn't care.

I didn't look back till I was in my room and looked out to see if he was still there and he was with his head on the wheel clearly frustrated but then he looked back up and sped down the road.

I went and put my pjs on and settled down watching 500 days of summer, I always loved this film . I totally zoned out of the film and replayed the events of today in my head and how harry behaved towards me and Darren. I knew he could be violent like when he beat that guy up in the club but I Darren didnt realy do any thing wrong so why did harry hurt him?.

Then I remembered how sweet he was on the date and when he showed me around I looked down at the bracelet he had given me the day he showed me around and a tear fell from my eye.I know its pethetic because I've only known him a short while and I don't know much about him but I care for him and I trust him a lot, in the while ive known him he has been nothing but nice and sweet untill today of corse.

I jut didnt know what to do ice never been in this situation. I needed harry to explain to me, I needed him to reasure me and most of all let me know somr things he knows a lot about me and I only know basic things about him.

That night my family came back at 11 and they had a exsorsting day so they went sraight to bed, but I couldnt sleep not one bit I just kept making up worst case scenarios in my head and thinking way to much.




GO READ Sendrick lovers forever - Aca amazing suprise by my great friend alisha burden its a great sory I hope you can get into it like me. xxxx

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