5 - Mix-Ups

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"So what's the plan again?" Blaze asked, his eyelids drooping low and threatening sleep.

Pansy released an irritated sigh, "If you ask me again I will legitimately tattoo a penis on the back of your head. The plan is that we are doing a little experiment. Right? So we give Draco the love potion, just a little bit, probably enough for about a day or so -" Pansy was very rudely interrupted.

"But what's the point of that? Everyone knows he certainly doesn't like you, so what's it going to prove?"

Pansy narrowed her eyes just a little bit at Blaze, "We are trying to prove that Draco likes Harry Potter. Were you not mentally present when Crabbe told us that Draco kept muttering Harry's name when he was asleep. Come on, Blaze. It completely passed over Crabbe's head but I didn't think you were that thick."

"Shut up, Pansy!"

Pansy smiled a wry grin, knowing she'd won that particular squabble.
"Just go to bed, Blaze and don't make it too obvious that we're up to something."

"Fine.", Blaze huffed and stomped up the stairs to his dorm.

Pansy slipped into her dorm room as loudly as she could, there were shoes and cloaks and socks everywhere. She jumped in bed, had a quiet smile to herself and then laid down to sleep.

"Why are you smiling?" a very concerned Draco asked Pansy on their way to breakfast the next morning.

"Oh, it's just a joy to be alive today. I've had an awakening dear friend, I love all things now." Pansy skipped and dreamily stared at the sky.
Draco didn't seem to be satisfied with the sarcastic answer but he didn't raise the issue again.

The trio continued on their way too breakfast. Once comfortably seated and after a few announcements from various teachers and Dumbledore the students of Hogwarts began to tuck in. It was too easy for Pansy to slip just a few drops of a love potion into Draco's tea, however the tricky thing was getting Harry to be the first person Draco saw after he drinks it. But Pansy was sufficiently pre-prepared, she watched from the corner of her eye as Jordon, one of the more friendly Slytherins, crossed the space between the Slytherin and Gryffindor tables and sat comfortably next to Hermione.

Now you may think this a random choice of seating but Hermione and Jordon were currently partners in Charms and on quite civil terms.

"Good morning, Jordon. Your hair looks lovely today." said Hermione.
Hermione and Jordon had similar hair types; curly and kinky and out of control. It was a common ground for the girls to both share their daily struggles.

"As does yours, Hermione. Look I've come to warn you, as you know Draco isn't the biggest fan of Harry but everyone heard him in the Slytherin common room last night, absolutely bragging his head off about how he had caught Harry cheating on poor Ginny, he said he walked down the seventh corridor from the Astronomy Tower and he caught Harry with his hands all over a Ravenclaw guy. I just thought you should give Ginny or Harry a one-up on all the backlash that will be coming their way. Well, toodles I've got some toast with my name on it." Jordon stood and returned to her house's table.

Now what Jordon said wasn't exactly true but it wasn't a complete falsehood either, Draco had simply announced aloud that he wished Potter would do something so scandalous that he would lose public favor. Pansy had simply concocted a scandal that would if anything split the friendship between Harry and Ron or even between Harry and the Weasley family.
Pansy could almost see the rumor spreading, Jordon had told Hermione in a level voice so anyone in about a meter or so radius could have picked up the vital information and probably assume the rest, which as Pansy knows is the beauty of hearsay.
About fifteen minutes later someone stood so violently that the bench made a hideous screeching noise on the stone floor.

Harry Potter took barely any time to go around his side of the Gryffindor table and to the exact position that Draco was seated at the Slytherin table but it seemed just enough time for Pansy to say; "Drink up, Draco. Wouldn't want Potter to soak you again."

Draco sent a sneer Pansy's way, but he still downed the tea quite quickly and then turned to face Potter.
Harry was absolutely livid, not the usual annoyance that he felt when being in the presence of Draco or hearing of his misdeeds. Blaze could have sworn he saw a little bit of steam float off Harry.
Draco eyes flitted down and up Harry's body, an action that could be easily misinterpreted by even Harry Potter (believe it or not). Draco let out a contented sigh and then asked; "Come to recite an essay on the goodness of the world again, Potter?"

The now silent and watching Slytherin table gave a few scattered chuckles.
"Shut up, you blond bag of moldy herpes." Harry said and swiftly grabbed Draco by the collar of his shirt and dragged him out of the Great Hall.

Meanwhile Pansy and Blaze were both looking quite concerned. Draco had downed all of his tea and Pansy had definitely put the potion in there, so where was the declaration of love and forgiveness? Where was the swooning? Falling at Potter's feet?
Pansy was awakened to the possibility that Potter might actually be beating the shit out of Draco. She stood and Blaze followed suit, they walked down the Slytherin table towards the huge doors of the Hall. Jordon stuck her hand out and caught Pansy by the arm.
"I saw the same thing you did. He didn't change one bit. What does that mean, Pansy?" Jordon asked with her eyebrows raised.

Jordon let Pansy go but Pansy stood there for a moment, thinking.
If the love potion truly did work on Draco but he didn't start acting any differently towards Harry then maybe he already was in love.
"Oh." Pansy muttered out loud.

"Uh, Pansy now isn't really the time for an 'Oh' moment cause I think.." Blaze lifted his right hand as if checking his watch, if he had a watch. "Yeah, right about now Draco is probably getting the shit kicked out of him." Blaze said.

"Fine, talk and walk." Pansy said and the pair set off again at a brisk pace. "So I've just then realised that the reason that Draco wasn't acting any different than his normal self after drinking the potion is that he's actually in love with Harry. You could say I called it."
Pansy and Blaze rounded the corner about three or four metres from the boys toilets. They arrived to see two frustrated boys.

"Look you stupid git, if I was actually cheating on Ginny with anyone, it'd be you!" Harry regretted yelling that the moment it left his lips.

Pansy watched as Potter paled then ran from the scene.
Draco stood in shock for a moment. If Potter hadn't meant to say that he wouldn't be so embarrassed which leads us to the conclusion that he truly did mean to say that.
"Hmm, I was sure I gave the potion to Draco not Potter but there you go, Blaise. Guess I was right again." Pansy smirked.


This one-shot was requested by Blitzen15 and has been edited a bit.
I hope you enjoyed!

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