Chapter 34

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(Celise's POV)

I had a dream that I'd died and was able to see my own dead body. Maybe that would've been what had drawn most people's attention but I was really concerned about Jared. In my dream he'd looked to be in so much pain and ended up blacking out. It wasn't even just him though, Sloane had looked scary as hell. For some reason she'd terrified me and where her hand held my wrist it was really painful.

By the time I had lost consciousness from her performing some magic, it was as if someone punched me in the chest and I woke up screaming. The pain had seemed only slightly painful at first, if you call a punch to the chest slightly painful but then my whole body felt like lava was thrown onto it. Heat had spread from my heart and traveled through my arms, neck, head, torso and then my legs.

It was such a specific pain that I could feel every tiny subtle change that happened to me. The heat seemed to melt and reconstruct the bones, veins and organs inside of me. I knew that the dream I'd had must've been in fact reality and I truly had died. This must be what Cane had done to me. Only thing was, some humans just didn't make the change. After what the twins and Cane were put through though, I refused to let go of this world. I would endure.

Enduring was proving to be a lot harder than I'd assumed. I felt the wolf inside of me begin to take shape and fill my body. It's claws seemed to stretch and push at my stomach; clawing and tearing to rip free of the human shell. In that moment I realized it wasn't 'other' but another part of me. By disassociating myself with it, I'm almost positive it would start some kind of mental health issue.. specifically split personality maybe. Oh right, my stomach is being ripped apart. 

Energy and magic built up within me. Fear flooded my system and that's when I remembered the reason why many people didn't survive the change. The wolf was going to burst free out of this human shell and create a new shell to house my soul. 

My heart began to pound as I felt my soul slipping towards the center of my stomach where the magic and wolf were. Vaguely I could sense that Jared was waking and I also realized how very yummy he smelt. Let's focus here. Right. Wolf is tensing getting ready to rip from this human body I've lived in for the past 24 years.

There was no time to scream and I didn't think I could since my soul was fluttering near the wolf inside my stomach. Sounded pretty bad and I assure you it really was as bad as it seemed. I felt both the wolf's claws digging through my stomach from the inside out while it's teeth tore through organs in it's way as well as me doing the damage to my body. Quite possibly the weirdest and most painful thing, also most disgusting, thing I've been through. 

My human body stopped working as my wolf pulled itself free of the confines; making it seem like she appeared out of a magician's hat. Except the Magician's Hat was my body. Well, I survived I think. I flopped on my side, facing Jared, as I panted through the pain and also joy of pulling through the change. 

(Jared POV)

I'd been woken up from the sudden snap of my connection to my mate being shoved back in place. My body felt like it was just beaten by the entire Vampire Flock all at once. Through the two links inside of me I could see a small light gradually growing stronger but the other one didn't seem to be doing too great. 

This was getting on my last nerve. Couldn't we go through an hour without someone dying or getting severely injured?

When my eyes opened due to the sound of tearing noises that turned to the sound of a wild animal chewing on something, I almost closed my eyes again. I watched as a blonde wolf tore itself out of Celise's dead body. I'd have thought I would freak out but I seemed oddly calm. My wolf and I both watched her lay on her side panting. I made my way towards the wolf and changed in the process. Suddenly a large black wolf had taken place of my human form and I simply watched from the back of my mind as the my wolf crawled towards the blonde wolf. 

She opened her blue eyes to look at me before relaxing before whimpering a bit. We curled ourselves around her, settling our larger head on top of hers to give comfort. 

"Ugh. Glad it worked.  I was damn scared it wouldn't," said Cane weakly from the place he'd been thrown to. He was covered in the blood he'd coughed up but otherwise looked fine just a bit dirty. 

"Something is wrong with Sloane," I sent to him mentally. It wasn't that I was a part of his pack so I could speak to him through their pack link but because we were both 'Alphas'. 

He nodded his head and I watched him shuffle towards the half collapsed house to dig through the rubble. Pulling out an unconscious Sloane slowly due to his weakness. 

One second he was trying to help bring her out the next he was gone and I heard him get slammed against the ground 5 feet away. A very pissed off Master Vampire hissing while holding his neck. 

"You've trespassed onto my land, Alpha Wolf. Why have you not sought proper permissions before entering?!"

I'd climbed on top of the blonde wolf subtly growling. There were a few other vampires who had shown up along with Dimitri and one of them glided towards my sister. A snarl and my magic unleashed as he had begun to get too close to her weakened form. 

"You'll allow one of your Flock to kill Sloane," Cane wheezed out around the hand choking him. He was still too weak from turning Celise as well as the backlash from what Sloane had done. 

Dimitri turned at the mention of Sloane and I watched his hand loosen a bit before searching the rubble with his eyes. I watched his head tip slightly before he got up and dusted himself. 

"I'll address this issue after I've made sure she's fine. I'm guessing the person who gave me much pain was quite possibly this little gem. Which, she will also answer to, once she's back to herself."

I regarded the Master Vampire warily as he made his way towards my sister. It seemed traitorous to leave her vulnerable like this but Celise was clearly out of it and Sloane seemed to have something weird going on with Dimitri. I was betting everything on the fact that Dimitri quite possibly wanted in my sister's pants. As much as I didn't want to think about it.

He pushed her dirty hair from her face and I could see now how bloodless her face was. She really resembled a broken marionette doll with it's strings cut. Dimitri put his wrist to his mouth and tore a large chunk of skin off. I was honestly too shocked to tear my eyes away as he pushed his bleeding wrist into her mouth. 

It's a common misconception that Vampires can't drink other Vampire's blood. It just usually wasn't done for many reasons. One, it formed a sort of bond between the two Vampires. Two, you shared your magic with one another. Three, if one is a lot stronger than the other they could enthrall and entrap the weaker one. A lot of Vampires wouldn't share blood and so I hadn't thought he'd just shove his bleeding wrist into her mouth. 

But then I thought about what I'd seen all along Sloane's neck; those bite marks meant that Dimitri had already created a sort of bond with Sloane. Did she know about it? Probably not because she'd have quite possibly killed him. The only thing I was worried about was: why didn't Sloane know about this.. Was this something only I had learned from the Coven members? My education was a lot different from hers and although she knew a lot about the Supernatural Creatures in the City, it didn't mean she knew everything. I guess I had assumed she'd know about this type of bond. 

A type of bond that was almost as tight as the bond between a mated wolf pair. Dimitri's wrist was shoved into Sloane's mouth and at first she didn't move. Blood began to slide down the side of her mouth and throat but then the Master Vampire shocked the hell out of me again. He leaned over and sealed his lips over Sloane's. Blowing the blood and air into her throat. Although Vampires could absorb blood through their skin, once they are this badly injured they wouldn't be able to ingest blood any other way except through the old fashioned way. 

Weird magic surrounded Dimitri and Sloane making me not being able to clearly see what was happening. When I felt our link strengthening from her heart becoming stronger, I gave up trying. Sloane was alright. Celise was alive. Everything else didn't matter. 

A/N: Oh my lord. Seriously. I was really pushing this. I've been sneezing for no damn reason and I literally sneezed when I had food in my mouth... My computer almost didn't survive that trauma. Oh let's not even mention my perpetual broken ankle has been getting on my damn last nerve. *heaves deep breaths* This Author was real damn close not writing this chapter out of frustration. So bow down to me. Just kidding. Just maybe go buy me some sushi. Sooo hungry. _-_ Merp. 

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