Chapter 1

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A/N: Ok, I've been working on this for a few weeks now. It was inspired by this video: 1:39 just planted this little seed in my brain. Anyway, this is the first part, please don't expect regular updates though as I put off posting anything until I'm 120% sure I'm happy with it. Constructive criticism is always appreciated :) Massive thank you to TheBookOfQuestions for helping me with the title x

Regina burst, sobbing, into the stables, tacked up Jerry and led him out of his stall in record time. She walked calmly, as if going for a leisurely ride, until they were out of sight of the palace, when she mounted and kicked him into a canter. She stayed close to the trees, turning into the woods as soon as she found an opening, and cantered on. The tears were now flowing thickly down her face, and she had to trust that Jerry wouldn't trip or try to return. Branches caught at her clothes and hair but she bent low over his neck and ignored them.

"Woah, there!" A voice called out, causing Jerry to almost skid to a halt, the spring showers making the ground slippery. Regina, who hadn't been expecting it in the slightest, went catapulting forward, completely losing her dignity as she tumbled off. She braced herself for the hard ground, but she never reached it. Instead, she found herself being held in a pair of strong arms, looking up into the blurred face of a man, probably a hunter by the bow strung across his shoulder. He set her down graciously before asking,

"Milady, are you all right?"

"I'm fine." She brushed herself down, hastily wiping away her tears and forcing down the now constant anger.

"You're injured." He gestured towards her left side, and Regina looked down to see a sharp twig had ripped a large hole in her sleeve and left a long cut right down her forearm.

"It's nothing."

"No, it's not. It could get infected and then where would you be?" He looked at her with the sure expression of someone who knows they are right. It infuriated her slightly, but she had to admit the truth of his observation. She grabbed Jerry's bridle and pushed the man off the path, further into the forest.

"Be quick. Someone's after me, if they find you they'll think you're helping me."

"But I am..."

"You know what I mean."

"Put your hand on your right shoulder. Reduces the blood flow," he said in response to her quizzical look. He took a lotion of some sort out of his pocket, dabbing it on before binding the cut up with a handkerchief. Regina hissed as the potion stung her arm.

"That should stop it getting infected. You never know what's been on that branch."

"Thank you, err..."

"Robin of Locksley, at your service."

"Well, thank you, Robin of Locksley. Now, I really must be going."

"Do I get nothing in return?" She wasn't sure if he was jesting so she decided to play along.

"As you can see, I haven't got much," she indicated her small shoulder bag, the only luggage it had been safe to bring.

"No. Your name."


"Your name." he repeated as if it was the most normal thing in the world to ask for. "I gave you mine, it's only fair I should know yours."

"What if you try and stalk me? Kidnap me?"

"Why would I do that?"

"You are an outlaw."

"I may steal, but I use none of it. I give it all to the poor and make my own way honestly." Regina was stumped. The hurt look in his eyes embarrassed her and all the anger at her mother, which usually would have come up with a cutting reply, failed her with a response. Turning away served the double purpose of remounting and hiding her blush, but then she spotted someone through a gap in the bush they were behind. Recognising her mother, she pulled Robin down to crouch with her behind Jerry, placing a finger on his lips to keep him quiet. Regina listened with bated breath until she was sure her mother was gone.

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