Chapter 13

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A/N: OutlawQueen is just, ugh. O to the T to the P. *SPOILER ALERT* The Evil Queen getting so angry because Emma riled her over losing Robin, and mentioning Daniel as "my first true love" (I still ship StableQueen, don't judge me), has had me fangirling and flailing ever since I got the chance to watch the episode, 4:00 this afternoon. (It's 11:00 right now in Blighty) And THE EVIL SMIRK IS BACK I'd forgotten how much I love that one-sided smirk evil!Regina does when she's faced with someone she loathes and is about to seriously screw with their entire life. Lana is an actual goddess.
I am nowhere near ready for the mid-season finale.

They woke after a few days to find a layer of snow over everything. Regina shook Roland and John until they woke, their sleepy groans dispelling her momentary panic. They did not want to get stuck out here, they had to keep moving. She managed to get the fire going to cook what little they had for breakfast and thaw their numb hands and feet, but insisted on setting off as soon as possible.
She'd had to support John since he'd opened his leg wound, and their progress was slow. Eventually they found themselves on a wide, though deserted, road, snow as yet undisturbed by carriages and footprints. It was still falling, and if Roland's hair was anything to go by she now looked like some kind of snow maiden. She ruffled the top of his head to get the snow off and pulled his hood up over his curls, which were now looking very long and straggly, before standing John up from the rock onto which he'd sunk for a rest. His arm over her shoulders, hers round his waist, she once again thanked her lucky stars he was young and lightly built.
The road, thankfully, was rough, so not too slippery, but Roland fell over a few times before she eventually made a slight detour into the plantation of trees on either side of the road to find him a stick. It wasn't long, however, before John simply could not go on. He collapsed in a heap, lips going blue. Nothing Regina could say or do would rouse him.
"John, please! I'm sure there's a house nearby, I swear I saw a roof. Please!" She shook him, but he was barely conscious. Putting her hand on his chest, she felt a weak pulse and knew there wasn't much time.
"Is he dead?"
"No, he is not dead. But he will be if we stay here. Are you all right?"
"I'm cold."
"I know."
"And wet."
"I know, dear. Can you carry this?" She handed her bag to Roland, then took John's arm and somehow managed to get him across her shoulders. She was only little - people were so much heavier when unconscious - and staggered a bit, but managed to start walking nevertheless. Roland traipsed along behind.
She heard footsteps behind her about ten minutes later, and moved closer to the side of the road to let whoever it was past, Roland walking as close to her as possible. He was looking down at the ground, bottom lip quivering as he concentrated on not falling.
"Excuse me?"
Regina turned with difficulty. A young girl in a blue hooded cloak was standing there, carrying a basket full of groceries. She looked deliciously warm in her fur-lined muff and boots and her accent had a strange lilt to it that she'd never heard before.
"Can I help you?" Regina asked warily, her tone weary with concern.
"I was actually wondering if I could help you. Is he all right?"
"He's badly injured. I need to get him some help or he won't see tomorrow."
"I can help at my castle. Wait here, I'll call my carriage."
"Are you sure?"
"Of course! I might be a princess but I'm not so ill-disposed to the poor that I'd leave them to die."
"Thank you, err...?"
"Oh, I'm dreadfully sorry! I'm Belle."

A/N: I know, I know it's really short!! This is why I always have a few chapters written ahead so if there is a really short one I can post the next one quicker. And my sister wanted me to write a younger, pre-Rumple Belle. So here she is. Still not sure quite how to give her a good relationship with her father without him being too OOC (or barely in it) so any ideas, feel free to PM me!! (At the moment he's hardly in it...whoops.)
Thank you for all your lovely reviews, I never really believed this before I started writing but they really do provide inspiration, if only to look over the next one before posting it! :) *EvilRegal hand sign*

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