Chapter 17

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A/N: Merry Christmas everyone!! :D

Over the next few weeks, Regina continued to spend time in Robin's chamber, bathing his forehead, talking to him, sometimes clearing things or fetching fresh water. She learned to take temperatures and pulses, know if the fever was worsening or improving. Dr. Donaldson even taught her how to reapply the bandages and ointment, which involved a lot more touching of his bare torso than she was rather comfortable with. Not to mention the extensive injuries that made her stomach clench in distaste - he'd clearly broken a few ribs and the bruising covered much of his chest and stomach. When Dr. Donaldson did check on him though, he was always impressed at the speed at which the swelling was reducing so she gathered she wasn't doing anything wrong.

There was a tattoo on his right wrist, a black shield with the skin showing through in the shape of a lion. It looked like a knight's emblem, and she knew lions were symbols of strength but why a notorious thief had one on his wrist she had no clue. She forgot about it quite quickly though as she concentrated on healing him.

Whenever he was quiet she'd play with Roland and give him his lessons, in which he was rapidly improving. He'd taken to drawing, and had presented her with a few adorable little scenes, always featuring a mother, father and child. Sometimes he added some vague figures in the background which she recognised as the Merry Men, and once he even added in Belle. Every single one got folded carefully and stored in her bag, which she kept hidden along with her knife, lighting flints and everything else that could be stolen or used against her. She kept him out of Robin's room as much as possible, not wanting to scar the boy more than he already had been.

Every time he came, the doctor would close the window, claiming that fresh air carried disease; when he left she opened it again. Even if it did, it was the middle of winter, and disease spread quickest in summer. She left it open whenever she and Roland went outside, pretty sure he'd heard them that first day, recognised their laughter and come to find them as she remembered the window had been swinging open.

The day he woke up was one of the best of her life so far. They were just coming in, still laughing as they pulled off cloaks and gloves when she'd heard something creak in the other room. Telling Roland to stay where he was she'd opened the door to see him half-sitting up, holding his hands out in front of his face and flexing his fingers. Their eyes meeting through the gaps, his face broke out into a wide grin and she saw him mouth her name. She smiled too before opening the door to reveal Roland, who was listening despite her warning. The boy had run to his father, she lifted him onto the bed before stepping back to give them their moment. Just knowing he was awake and on the mend made her so incredibly happy as she was about to leave them to it. But then he'd made eye contact and held out an arm to her, drawing her into the family hug. All the horrible experiences at sea and afterwards had been worth it, just for this moment.

"Oof, Roland, you're heavy," Robin groaned, shifting his son's weight off his legs when the three of them finally let go of each other. Roland laid his head on his legs and watched them through loving eyes as his father and the closest thing he'd had to a mother met for the first time in months. "Hello."


Neither said anything for a few moments, Regina not sure what to say and not wanting to make any presumptions.

"I'm so glad to see you, Regina."

"You're... not angry with me?"

"Whatever for?"


"No, why would I be? That was your decision and I respect that."

"I'm...I'm just so glad you're alive." Her hand caressed his cheek gently without her telling it to. "There was one moment in the forest when I just knew something had happened to you." He laid his hand over hers on his cheek and moved his head to kiss her palm.

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