part seven : kill the lights

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It was almost a year before Jimin found another boy.

He met him, as usual, at the café. They got along so well that Jimin asked him over that very same day. When I came home, they were sitting on the couch and chatting. An anime was playing in the background, and laughter filled the room. Jimin noticed me and pulled me over to introduce us.

Taehyung seemed harmless. He had a genuine boxy smile that never seemed to leave his face and he was as carefree and truly happy, a gentle angel. Not only was his personality completely different than mine, but our looks were polar opposites. Taehyung was tall and had beautiful tan skin. Yet for some odd reason, I didn't feel as if Taehyung would be a bad presence in our life.

So Taehyung coming over became a regular occurrence. He would walk with me to work, and when I got home he would be sitting with Jimin on the couch, trying (and often failing) to make dinner, listening to Jimin talk, or just watching anime.

Indeed, Taehyung seemed seriously want to be my friend as well as Jimin's. he would constantly make an effort to talk to me. Asking how my day was and little things like that that made all the difference. Taehyung was so unlike the other boys. Sure, the others, if they met me, would act friendly, but that's all it would be, acting. Taehyung was being kind and seemed truly happy whenever I talked to him or even acknowledged him.

Another thing that made me relax around him was how Jimin acted. Jimin never flirted or anything of the sort. They were strictly friends.

Until they weren't.

One day, many months after Taehyung had entered Jimin's and my life I came home to something I would have never expected.

Taehyung was on top of Jimin, kissing Jimin's neck gently as the smaller boy moaned and pulled at Taeyhung's feathery hair.

I was shocked. So much so I could hardly breath, think. I didn't know what to do. Taehyung, the one I had accepted.

I shut the door with a bang. The two pulled apart. Jimin was smiling slightly as he looked at me, bruises starting to form on his soft skin. Taehyung, on the other hand, couldn't even meet my eyes. I looked at the two for a long moment before I truly felt my blood begin to boil with anger, betrayal. I had let Taehyung into my life. Near Jimin. And this was how how he repaid me.

Before I could let Jimin see how absolutely infuriated I was, I ran to my room, locking the door. I took a deep breath, fighting for composure. And failing. I broke down, tears pouring down my face. I curled up in bed, pulling the blankets over my head like a small child afraid of the dark. I don't know if the tears that poured down my cheeks were from heartbreak or anger, but they came in endless amounts throughout the entirety of the night.

The next day I didn't have to go to work. As soon as Jimin left for the café, I got a text from Taehyung asks if he could come over. I smiled as I texted back, 'of course.'

By the time Taehyung arrives I've already planned out how he will die.This time I would really play a game.

I made tea, and when Taehyung slid into his chair, I proffered him a cup. He accepted gracefully, taking a deep draw of the liquid. I grabbed a water bottle, taking a deep draw of the cold water.

Taehyung spoke in a quiet voice after a moment of tense silence. "Yoongi, I just wanted to apologize for what happened last night. It's just, one thing led to another, and, well, you saw where it led to. The truth is... I've kinda accidently developed feelings for him."

I nodded, "Don't worry about it. Jimin is an easy person to develop feelings for. Trust me on it. I've been in love with him since our senior year of highschool."

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