epilogue : angel with a shotgun

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POV: Han Jahee

I'd only been going to this particular club for a month when I saw him.

"Hey." I wander over to him. He's a pretty boy, pale skin, soft brown eyes, faded blue hair. "I'm Jahee."

He looks at me for a long moment before responding, "Min Yoongi."

I slide onto the seat beside him, fixing my most charming smile onto my face, ignoring my friend waving for me. I want this one all to myself. "You here alone?" I scan him. Good figure.

"Actually, no..." He shifts uncomfortably. I smile internally. He's lying; there's no one sitting next to or around him.

I lean forward, slipping my hand across the bar towards him. "Because I'm here with you, right?"

I know I'm drunk, but just looking at him I feel higher than any drug could take me. I move forward to whisper in his ear, but someone catches my shoulder gently, pushing me back.

"I see you've met my friend Yoongi. What's your name?" The owner of the hand asks. I give him a quick once over and I know I've struck gold.

"Jahee, you?"

"Jimin," the smaller boy responds, and I see a look flash between the two friends before he takes my hand and squeezes it softly. He leans toward me, lips brushing my ear, sending shivers down my spine as he whispers, "why don't we take you home and show you a good time?"

I feel the salvia building up already in the back of my mouth, "I would like that... very much."

Their house is beautiful. There is a huge wrap-around flower garden with amazing landscaping; hills of flowers and creeping vines up the side of the house. We get out of the car and Jimin picks me up, bridal style, nibbling my ear, "Let's take this inside, yes?"

We head down to basement. It's cold, dark. I feel something shift in the mood as Jimin carefully sets me down on the floor.

"Yoongi, can I go first?" The boy asks his blue-haired friend.

"Of course," he answers, planting himself in the single chair, watching from behind furrowed brows.

"This is... uh, a strange place for sex," I say quietly, reaching for the small knife I keep tucked in my dress. It's gone.

Jimin pulls something out of his shirtsleeve. "Didn't want it getting in the way," he murmurs, moving closer, slipping his hands across my back and unzipping my dress. I laugh, and the fun begins. Eventually we are ready. Yoongi is still watching, biting his lip. Waiting for his turn, I suppose.

I look up at Jimin as he straddles me, and smile. I certainly wasn't expecting to have such a fun night. I pull him towards me, then freeze. He's holding something in his hand.

A rock.

I laugh uneasily, "Jimin... what are you-"

He cuts me off, leaning down to my neck for the millionth time. This time, however, instead of kissing me, he whispers, voice filled with awful venom, "You should have never flirted with my boyfriend."

He smashes the rock into my head. I scream. Again. And again. I can't see. The pain has destroyed any thoughts I had had before; everything is gone.

Jimin's voice cuts through once more, "He's mine!" Another hit. "All mine." The rock rams into my skull. "Don't ever try to take my baby from me."

I want him to kill me faster. I want the pain to end.

I can't move; he outweighs me. The rock smashes into my head again, and again, and again. I can't breath. The blood bubbles through my throat, and all I can hear is Jimin's anger and Yoongi's laughter.

POV: Min Yoongi

Jimin drops the rock, breathing heavily. I don't move; I can't. Jimin just killed for me and it is the hottest thing I have seen. It took a moment for me to come fully to my senses. I stand, pulling Jimin off Jahee and push him to the floor. I kiss him until I can taste his blood mixing with Jahee's. After a long moment, we break apart, both breathing heavily.

I moan slightly, savoring the taste of Jimin's blood, "Now I understand why you like to watch me kill..." I whisper.

Jimin smiles, licking his bloody lips, but suddenly worry falls like a cloud into his beautiful eyes, "You wouldn't have actually gone home with her, would you? She was pretty. I know you kinda like girls too. But you wouldn't leave me.... would you?"

I smile fondly down at him, wiping some of the blood off his cheek, "Jiminnie, you says it best. I'm yours. I don't look at anyone but you. I would never leave you, baby."

Jimin groaned at my words. "I love you."

"I love you too."

The next morning, Jimin and Yoongi plant daffodils atop a fresh mound of dirt.

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