part eight : invincible

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I'm shocked but try not to show it, waking slowly over to the couch  "Oh, Jimin, why are you still awake?"

Jimin stands and smiles at me before he moves closer and wraps his arms around my neck. "Yoongi, you know I would never leave you, right?"

I swallow hard. "I... I-uh..."

Jimin started to play with my hair, and I try my hardest not to moan. Then he speaks, and I can feel his warm breath against my cheek, "Yoongi, I've loved you ever since we were kids. All of the bad dreams were just excuses to sleep with you. Forget everything Taehyung said. Forget what Namjoon said. I could never hate you, Yoongi."

I freeze, "Wh-what?"

Jimin moves one of his hands along my collarbone, then to my cheek. "Hyung, I know about all of them. Every single one. From Jungkook all the way to Taehyung. I didn't just know about them either. I picked them."

"Y-you picked them? What do you mean?"

Jimin smiles softly, running his hands the through my hair for another long minute before answering, "Yoongi, I know how much you enjoy killing and hurting people. When we were kids you would always take the people who bullied me somewhere you thought I couldn't see and beat them up. The two times you accidentally killed them I noticed how you smiled just a little bit more than usual. Then when you killed that piece of bs boyfriend I had. The days afterward you couldn't help the bright smile on your face, even when you were by yourself you always had on a small smile. After you killed the friend that hurt me, you couldn't stop smiling. Every time you killed someone your smile would get brighter. So, once we got settled in here I had the idea of picking people out. This was also a test. To see if you actually loved me as much as I thought you did. So, I thought I'd start easy. Jungkook. A kid that would fall for anyone that flirted with him. I wanted to see. Then when you did kill him I knew. You really did love me, Yoongi. But I just needed to see how much you really loved me. So, I picked Hoseok. A guy that I knew would eventually fall for me. He was so friendly I knew it would be harder for you to kill him," Jimin's smile widens, "But you did. Then Namjoon. I didn't even introduce you two. But you still found him. Still killed him. Killed him for me. Now, I wanted to see if you would kill without me even talking about them a lot, so there was Seokjin. Oh, that was fun to watch. After him, I figured you loved me just as much as I loved you. But then I met Taehyung. Now, I knew he would just be friends. I actually just wanted to be friends. But a few weeks after I met him I had a brilliant thought. Would you really kill someone who was close to you? So, I let you two get close to each other. There were multiple times where I thought about not doing it. I mean, Taehyung was actually really nice and you actually let him get close to you. But then that night he confessed to me and I knew he had to go. It's a shame, I really did consider him a friend. But I knew it would take a lot for you to snap so I decided to kiss him. When you came home I could barely hold my excitement. You were so angry. So, I waited a few days but then yesterday I went to your room to hang something up and I saw Taehyung in your closet. He was so scared. I took the tape off of his mouth and he begged me to let him go. I couldn't help but laugh. He really thought I would help him. After saying goodbye I taped his mouth again. And then, tonight," Jimin rested his head on my shoulder, hands still running through my hair, "you killed him."

I'm stunned. I've killed five people just because Jimin wanted me too. Jimin had even picked them out, all of them just for Yoongi. Jimin picked them for me to kill just because he knew I enjoyed killing.

I had never felt more happy in my entire life.

I pull back a little from Jimin but place my hands to rest on his hips, "You said it was fun to watch Seokjin die. How did you see it? Was he the only one you saw?"

Jimin pulls me down to the couch and clutches my hands as he speaks, "I saw all of them. There's a security camera out back of the cafe. The morning after you killed Jungkook I walked in on the person who usually watched the footage and I was talking to them when you popped up on the screen. I told them that they were needed somewhere and I quickly took the flash drive and put it in my pocket. After that, I went back that night and worked some magic and basically, they don't get the real footage. Ever. It just goes right to my computer. I've got to say Yoongi, you are a brilliant killer. They all died differently."

I look down at our entwined hands and smile, "Which was your favorite?"

Jimin smiles at me, that angelic smile I love so much. "Well, I made a list. My least was Hoseok. Purely because it was over too quick. Then Namjoon, it was a little boring. But then the next three were amazing. I couldn't help but watch Seokjins death over and over. It was just fantastic, how you killed him. And then Jungkook. If I'm being honest, the way you killed Jungkook turned me on. Or maybe it was the way you looked afterward. I was awake when you got home that night. I saw you covered in his blood and I almost gave in and slammed you down on the bed. I don't know why but all I wanted to do was lick his blood off of you. I wanted to know if it was still warm. I wanted to know how it felt in your hair. I couldn't help myself that night. I stayed awake all night and finally got the mental image of you naked with Jungkook's blood all over your chest. Yoongi, you have no idea how much it still gets to me."

I watch Jimin as he speaks. The way he described it made me want to interrupt him and kiss him long and hard, but instead I ask, "And... what about Taehyung?"

Jimin gave an involuntary groan, "Oh, Yoongi, tonight was so good. I, well, I kinda followed you. I wanted to see it in person. I got there right as you gave him a choice. I couldn't help but think how nice that was of you, Yoongi. Then he started to say all of those mean things and I had to hold myself back from coming out killing him right then and there. He had no right to be so mean to you after you were so nice. But then you lunged at him. When you wrapped your hands around his throat, oh Yoongi,"Jimin throws his head back on the couch, "It was so hot," He stares at me for a long moment before taking my hand and placing it on his throat. "I wondered how it would feel to be underneath you. For you to use your hands on me like that. I want to know."

I put the slightest amount of pressure on Jimin's throat and he lets out a ruff moan, moving to where he could sit in my lap.

I groan as he kisses my collarbone, still holding my hand to his throat. Not only was Jimin ok with my killing, but he enjoyed it, and thought it was hot. It was the best thing I had ever heard. I reach down and pull Jimin closer kissing his forehead, cheeks, ears.

I pause for a moment. I need true conformation, "You really like it when I kill?"

Jimin moans again, "Oh, Yoongi... I love it."

I can't keep the smile off my face, "Then why don't we continue this? You can pick out who I kill and then you can watch me. Maybe even help me if you like."

Jimin bit his lip, tongue slipping out for a moment, "Please, I would love that Yoongi."

"Then we'll do it. Maybe we could even get a house so we can have a place to kill them. We can't really do that in an apartment."

Jimin nods but says nothing. He simply leans in and lets our lips touch for the first time. I tighten my hand around his throat, and Jimin moans louder than before.

I won't go into detail but the neighbors didn't get much sleep that night, and neither did Jimin or I.

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