Chapter 1(Arrival)

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No ones POV

Chica went in Foxys cove to go see if he was there.She opened the curtain but saw that he was not there."wonder where he is?"She thought to herself.She walked in and saw something on a box.She walked over to it and picked the item up.She sniffed it."This smells so good!!!!"She exclaimed in her mind.She took a small bite of it.She gagged,put the object down,and ran to the girls restroom.She spit it out into the sink.She coughed,she could still feel it in her throat,even though she spit it out.Toy Chi walked in and Chica turned around to see her friend."Oh....h-hi Toy Chi!"She said and then hiccuped and bubbles came out of her mouth.She covered her mouth and Toy Chi gasped."Are you ok?!"Toy Chi asked her."I don't know!"Chica replied back."Well....did you eat anything today?"Toy Chi asked."Actually I at-"Chica was cut of by an ear piercing shriek."WHO ATE MY HAND MADE SOAP!!!!!!!"Foxy yelled out raged."I'm dead!!"Chica said in her mind."EVERYONE TOO THE STAGE NOW!!!!!!"Foxy yelled.Everyone ran to the stage lined up.Us,the withered ones,the toys,the Springlocks and phantoms,the nightmares,and the circus crew(excluding Lolbit because she wasn't at the pizzeria yet).Foxy glared at all of us.He lifted up his eye patch and reveled his right eye with a diamond shape as the iris and pupil.Both of his eyes turned back with golden pupils,that's how out raged he was.He held up a small figure in the shape of a boat.It had been bitten.Chica knew that was the object that she had taken a bite out of.Foxy walked in front of all of us and stopped at Chica.He turned toward her and looked her in the eye.Chica was trying not to hiccup.Just then someone was knocking on the door from outside.Everyone jumped off of the stage and went too the door.Freddy opened the door,while several phantoms and Springlocks were looking over his shoulder.Freddy gasped and asked Springtrap,SpringBonnie,Fredbear,and Nightmare Fredbear,to help him bring the big boxes inside.There were four boxes.Freddy opened the first one and was surprised to see a Funtime in the box.Funtime Freddy and Funtime Foxy looked at the open box in surprise."Help me take it out of the box you two."Freddy asked the two Funtimes.They both nodded their heads and gently picked up their fellow Funtime.They brought the new animatronic to the one of the repair tables.There were three other tables for the rest of the shipment.
They opened up the rest of the boxes and did the same with those guys."We'll start fixing them tomorrow.For now everyone get in your places 6:00am is 5 minutes away!Lets go!!"Freddy said.They all hurried to their stages and right when they finished the 6:00am bell rang and a new day begins.

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