Prologue: At The Start

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This was it. The moment we were waiting for—the pathway to finally get out of this hellhole. High school has been the worst of it all, and I say that with conviction as a person that have been living in a house filled with people who knows how to use every weapon there is. It hasn't been easy, especially when I've been juggling being in Notorious and being a normal teenager in high school.

It hasn't been easy, but I'm glad I'm graduating.

I finally get to be rid of all the mean girls and mean boys there are.


I turn to the sound of the voice and see him, Dean. My best friend. The only person who I've let in besides the gang. He had his cap in his hands, still wearing the robe with its small string tied around his neck, but you can't miss seeing how muscular he looked at the buttoned shirt he was wearing. Long sleeves that hugged his toned arms and body.

It's not a wonder how most girls saw him as the guy they wanted to be with. He had a sense of carrying himself ever since I met him, he was known as the member of the football team. He was tall and bulky, he would give you a bright smile to let you see how his pearly whites, he'd charm you off of your feet with the stare he did with those bright emerald eyes of his.

Nevertheless, he never could get me to befriend him at first. It took a while and a lot of patience in his part for me to actually be his friend. I've never really depicted of us being best friends, and now, here we are.

With a small smile playing on my lips, we hug one another. "We finally did it," I whisper in his ear. "I thought I was going to die in this place."

He chuckles, the vibrations on his throat being heard loud and clear. "I was never going to let you," we let go of one another and his smile falters for a bit before his eyes glance at the phone I was holding. "Any luck with contacting them?"

Shaking my head, the smile in my face disappears.

I've been trying to contact Nate, trying to ask where he was through a series of text but I got none. I've also asked around at the gang, my first instinct going to call Antonio who picked up immediately and when I asked where Nate was, all I got was a short silence on the line before he responded.

"Not sure, Bly. He told me that he was going somewhere."

Nathan promised he'd call. Though, I knew that he was busy and wouldn't be able to make it to my graduation, I'd at least like a call from him. Telling me that I finally did it, finally graduated, and that—

My train of thought stops when I feel a hand around my wrist, and being pulled to turn around. Knowing that it wasn't Dean, because he knew better than to caught me off guard, I raise my hand balled into a fist, ready to strike when the person who grabbed me also caught it with their other hand.

"Better late than never, right?" The hazel eyes that greeted me were familiar, all too familiar for me to jerk my hands away from his grip and jump up to hug him. "I thought surprising you rather than calling that I was coming was a much funnier move. Guess it was a good thing that I saw that fist coming before it landed, huh?"

Nathan Murdock, the man who saved me at fourteen when I ran away, was now here, in the flesh. He was never really my brother by blood, but I saw him as one after a year. That's how long it took before I finally accepted him as my family, and the gang too. I've never really learned how to love or how to feel being loved by a family but when it came to Nathan and Notorious, our gang, it was different. They made me feel as if I was their own and it was the best thing that happened to me.

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