A Not-Date Down Memory Lane

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Author's Note: LOOK WHO FINALLY FUCKING UPDATED!!! IM SO HAPPY!!! This chapter is the longest I've ever made with almost 9,000 words of story line. It's all thanks to y'all, really! These comments y'all leave are so funny, and along with votes they're supportive and motivating and I owe this whole story to all of you. I know none of you will probably read this but just know that I love all of you.

I feel like this needs to be said so I'm just gonna say it.

I don't know how to do the official dedications and these are just easier.

This chapter is dedicated to those who's comments always make me smile, even if they've only commented once, no matter how many times I read them:






And of course, my Wattpad Thing, @ohthatbooknerd

Guys this is me trying to show how much I appreciate these people so follow them vote for them read their stories cause these are amazing people^

All rights reserved to Doritos and Taco Bell as mentioned in the story.



Nico sat on the mast, looking out at the water. His hair blew in a warm wind and his fingers twirled in a shadow absentmindedly, like they would through smoke. Anyone else looking at him would think it was just the same old moody "emo" weirdo Nico Di Angelo. Though you would see he had a soft smile on his face. It had been there since he left the infirmary. He had no idea it was there. The shock set in and the impact of what he did sucker punched him in the gut with a thousand butterflies.

He kissed Leo Valdez.

It wasn't lips to lips, and Leo had no idea, but hey Nico wasn't complaining.

But why, why? Why did he kiss him? Was it the mood? Was it impulse? Did he have feelings for the most annoying demigod in existence? No. No that can't be it. He just stated one of the many reasons why that can't be. Leo was as tall as Nico himself, slightly taller, almost as skinny. He literally looked like a Christmas elf. The list goes on.

He wasn't in love with the boy. Nico despised love. It hurt too much. And it made you dependent on others. It made you weak.

Most people would disagree. Most people think "love concurs all." But most people had friends and family that would help them get through times like these. And while most people had that, he had the mental poltergeist of a sister.

And, on cue,

"Nico Di Angelo." A voice said behind him, pulling him from his thoughts like a snapped rubber band. He quickly stood and turned to her, already trying to explain. "Bianca, it's not what you think! He was- I just-, it's-"

"It's okay, Nico."



"What?" Nico asked, bewilderment not even close to hidden in his voice. Bianca smiled and laughed softly; the sound, even in all of this, sent a pang through his chest. He winced at the feeling.

She walked up to him and suddenly her arms were around him, hugging comfortingly. His imagination was getting worse, because it really was like she was there. Nico could feel her heat, her heart, her breath. Her life.

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