Before The Beginning

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   The waters below told a thousand unheard stories, each so terrifyingly bone-chilling it created an unearthly pull that beckoned Imago towards it.
  Each wave told a different truth. On each dark wave rode thrilling mysteries that seemed to emote the tears and blood of souls lost and secrets masked.
   She stepped forward and her heart lurched with such force, she thought it'd choke her. The waters slapped the edge of the cliff and screamed as they created a rough dripping masterpiece.
     The wind whipped her luxurious black hair wildly around her face. The ethereal storm that had been building gleamed in her eyes. Lightning split the sky in a sharp uneven jagged line, like it'd had torn open by the claw of a wild wolf.
   The wind scrambled wildly around her, as though it had life in it. It swivelled around Imago, engulfing her. She dared to look down and all blood drained from her face.
    For she stood tall yet small,upon a cliff 40,000 feet above the mighty rushing sea now adorning a bluish green hue due to the torments of the brewing storm.
    She looked skywards.The sky had been defiled with large dark clouds that threatened fresh rain.

It gave her unbearable pleasure.

The energetic waves attacking the end of the cliff she stood upon.

The ominous thundering.

The vigorous wind.

Imago felt herself come alive.

She loved it.
She spread out her arms.

   The waves swelled and surged as they rode high and low on the sea. The sea itself was a bewildering sight. An artwork of deep blue, dull green and foamy white edges that churned as though it'd been struck by Neptune.

No one would remember her.

With her father engrossed in his meetings, and her stepmother & stepsister absorbed in preparing for the banquet, and her real family millions of miles away beyond the seven seas, no one would remember the poor, silent Imago.

Absolutely no one.

Oh,why didn't the rain just come and melt her away?

She wanted to leave and become one with nature.

Buried in the deep endless sea.

Maybe there she would be accepted.

Maybe there she would find her place.

  She took a step closer and gasped at the force with which the sea split when it hit the rocks below. Some sense of reasoning slipped into her muddled mind. Did she really want to die?

Leave Rowena and Rosetta to enjoy life and rejoice over her death?

Give them the euphoria and exhilaration of never seeing her again?

Her mind screamed yes, but her heart whispered no.

Imago swallowed and cast her eyes towards the sky.

The rain would decide. A driblet of rain alone and her resolution would solidify.

The rain would wash away all her troubles.

Just then, a drop of rain hit her cheek.
A wide smile split her face.
She was going to jump.
She was going to end her life and become just another contribution to nature.
She was going to become one with the big, black-


The voice shattered her dream-like gaze. She blinked thrice in shock, as though she was just recollecting her senses, and turned to direction from whence the voice had travelled.

First, she was filled with confusion. Then, anger. But when the first sheet of rain poured down on her, they all melted away to joy.

"It is time."

She faced forward.

"No, no, no!!! Don't do it, I beg of you!"

"Goodbye, world. "

And, with that, Imago closed her eyes and gracefully leapt off the cliff and into the rushing waves.

Someone jumped in after her.

Gwendolyn,Get Your Gun🚬Where stories live. Discover now