Chapter 3-Captured

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"I have learned more from pain than I could ever learn from pleasure."

The night bore an unearthly chill.

There was only half a moon in the sky but it illuminated the earth like it was the sun itself. Gwendolyn's shadow grew long as she walked down the moonlit sidewalk. She was doing more of wobbling than walking,though, for the little girl was fatigued from all the days without food or water.
A large car zoomed past, and she nearly fell to the ground. She steadied herself on the wall,and continued her wobbling. Suddenly she stopped dead in her tracks and gasped as she looked forward. The car had stopped. The rear lights flashed red, and the car began to reverse. Gwendolyn's heart began to beat fast. The car reminded her of a monster with red eyes she'd seen in a book once. She stood there, frozen, until the car came to a stop right beside her.

There was a long moment of silence,the only thing Gwendolyn could hear was her ragged breathing. Then,the tinted glass window slid down slowly. A man with full curly black locks and thin lips looked at her. Gwendolyn stared right back at him.Then he removed his dark shades,and Gwendolyn was so startled by his cold black eyes that she fell to the ground, unconscious.

The man sighed and looked down at her.

"Carry her," he ordered succinctly ,and placed the shades back on his face.

The back doors of the car opened simultaneously and two well-built suit clad men alighted the car from each side. They took the little girl in their arms gingerly, not surprised that she weighed less than she looked. They were well aware of the state she'd been in the past few days. They placed her in the car,and the engine was revved to life. The black car zoomed through the darkness,cutting through the fog like a knife.



That was the first thing that came to mind the moment she opened her eyes.

Blood, coating the entire room, creating an aura of danger.

She closed her eyes tight, trying to shut out the thought, then opened her eyes again, slowly.

Not blood...paint.

Gwendolyn frowned. Her room was not painted red. Neither was Mommy's room nor Angelo's nor...Her eyes widened in realization and she sat upright at once. The events of the previous day came rushing back to her, flooding her head.


Her mother's killer had finally gotten her in his clutches. He was going to kill her,just like he did with Mommy..and Angelo. Her big brown eyes filled with tears immediately as her heart stung.

Mommy. Angelo. Dead.

She bit her lower lip hard to keep the tears from cascading down her face and crunched the bedsheets to her chest tightly.

Wait..bedsheets? Gwendolyn gasped as she took in her surroundings. She was in an extremely large room. If she could describe the room in one word,it would be demonic. Whoever had this room must have some deep sort of darkness in his soul. The walls were painted red, like blood. Gwendolyn gulped in fear. The rugs were black. The black window blinds were drawn,shading the light. The door was painted black, so was the ceiling. The four post king sized bed she was sitting on was deep wine in color,and so were the silky bedsheets that were tangled around her legs. The bedside lamp was a gargoyle. The chandeliers were dim, giving the room an eerie glow.

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