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Mine, he said mine! I look deep into his eyes, searching for something I didn’t know what exactly I was searching for but I felt the proximity of our bodies, as he took one step forward I step back one step until I was up against the wall beside the door, his hand encircled my waist and pulled me toward him, pinning me in the process. His hot my lord his hot breath rolled onto my face making my hairs stand on edge. His eyes, which were once green blue, now looked almost like devils blue and acid green. Damn he’s so fricking hot! Why is he so hot? I don’t understand why he has magnetized me to him, damn this bitch is fine! I ranted on mentally, my wolf agreeing and sighed dreamily. Our faces were coming closer…and closer… until his lips met mine. Our rhythm was perfect, antagonizingly slow and delectable. I felt his hot tongue just drag across my lips looking for an entrance, I gave in, he explored and exploded inside my mouth as our tongues intertwined and fought for dominance, he won over me. His lips lingered from my mouth and descended to my chin…then to my neck…then to my chest. That’s when I stiffened, he must’ve noticed because he halted in his movements

“I’m sorry” I said sheepishly

“Why? I know you’re not ready , I wasn’t going to go that far so soon” he smirked and kissed my cheek “besides I want to hear to joy of you screaming my name after knowing you not the other way around Sienna” my wolf cooed. He so understanding and damn he’s hot. Damn he made me hot. That smell- wait, what did he just say? I looked at him in utter embarrassment; he saw my face and his laughter boomed through the room

“That’s right you’ll be screaming my name, Luna” I eyed him, the blush never escaping my cheeks. His hands stroked the length of my spine causing me to bit my lip stifling the moan threatening to escape; it got the better of me. That earned a low territorial and sexy growl from Kieran. He twirled a lock of my black hair around his index finger then brought it to his nose and wafted in its scent, my scent. I found my hand drawing circles on his shirt-on his chest. We were in silence, the kind I liked and now with the man I loved.

“What does my scent smell like?” he growled lovingly-if that was possible

“Amazing, like a mixture of berries and then it smells like incense, musk incense” and with that he pulled me even closer and placed his head in the crook of my neck, his hot breath melting my body. I shuddered. “God it smells amazing” he breathed out. Now you may think Alpha Kieran is a sweetheart of a man……No, he is warlike and brutal to those who oppose him, he is a man with great power and uses it wisely, he is stronger than any other alpha on this earth and no, I’m not kidding. He has the strength of his ancestors, his bloodline is made up of 100, yup 100 of the most powerful alphas that ever ruled. Everyone feared him. Everyone. Ever since he took the role as alpha, he took down and decreased the number of rogues running here and there. But to me; his mate and now the pack’s Luna, he was soft and sweet and everything that began with‘s’, yes even sex god.  The thought made me laugh. He looked at me and grinned

“Luna, I can hear your thoughts” he waggled his eyebrows at me suggestively. My eyes widened. Shit. Oh well you know you’re a sex god anyway I thought and he smirked.

“I know but I’ll only be a sex god for you, Sienna” my name sounds light years sexier when he says it. Shit, shit, shit shut up! I desperately tried to shut the thoughts up. I heard him chuckle. I frowned.

“sienna I now you’re pondering about going back to the pack but you can stay, it’s already your home besides I don’t want my mate driving around in the dark where stupid rogues and god knows what else will be lurking around” he said, his voice now toned hard which meant I had to obey plus he did make sense and I did have my sister to deal with.

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