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I woke the next morning smelling Kieran’s delicious scent. His morning face was to die for! Those messy chestnut locks all over the place. I touched his face gently not wanting to wake the sleeping bear-more like wolf duhh. He stirred a bit andwent back to normal. Even though the mate bond was there, I still couldn’t believe the moon goddess chose me as his mate. I wanted get out of his cage-like grip but it was no use.

“Stay in bed, sienna, please” he grumbled sleepily. My fingers betrayed me and lingered, touching his lips, making them break into a smile. I bit my lip, damn you blasted urges I mentally cursed and gave up, kissing his lips, he didn’t do anything at first but then he bit my lower lip and kissed back. He rolled on top of me

“Kieran” I whispered “get off!”



Nothing. I’m desperate right now; desperate times call for desperate measures. I bit his cheek hard. He shot straight up

“Keep this up and I’ll have you right here Luna, all jokes aside he growled sexily at me. I felt self conscious at his eyes-for the second time- studying my body like it was an important book. Oh for the love of god, he sounds dreadfully sexy right now I thought. My hands raised in surrender.

“Okay okay I’m sorry” I said muffled into his shirt. I actually felt as if a smirk grew on his lips.

“But I am liking the position we’re in” He waggled his eyebrows at me. My eyes widen and my cheeks went hot for the millionth time. I bit my lip I liked the position too

“You need to stop that” he growled sexily again

“What?” I had a confused look on my face “stop what?”

“Biting your lip”


“Because I will want to bite it then I would…want…to…bite…other…places” he said slowly. My blush redden on my face. He chuckled and kissed my forehead

“You’re going back to your pack today with Sierra” I looked at him “but I’m coming with some of my guys” I rolled my eyes almost thought your possessiveness went away there I thought but ouh well

He growled and smirked. “Never” he said. I smiled. I successfully got out of bed and freshened up and put on new clothes that Ella dropped off for me. It was a dress. Oh great I thought sarcastically, dresses weren’t my thing, but I still wore it. I opened the door and walked down the hallway and down the stairs. Kieran already told me he was going downstairs a couple minutes before. I walked in the direction of his scent and meet a huge room- filled with werewolves.  I wanted so badly to spin and walk out but I felt two light arms around me, I realized I was being hugged by someone.

“Hi Luna!” it was a feminine voice, I looked up seeing an older woman, she was smiling uncontrollably

“Marianne, get off my mate” I heard Kieran grumble, prying her arms off me and then pulling me into his chest and growled out “mine!”

“Kieran she’s a girl you know! A girl! She isn’t going to take me away from you” I said, causing some pack members to laugh –including Marianne

“Hi” I pushed passed Kieran “I’m Sienna” then she hugged me again. More girls flooded in the hugging event and giggled “now when you’re free Luna we’ll go shopping!” they squealed as I laughed.

“Sure- now girls I need to breathe” they giggled even more and mouthed ‘sorry’ to me. I mouthed back ‘that’s okay’ then I felt those two heated arms wrap around my hip. They scooted off as the alpha powered over them. I felt his head on top mine. I saw Abel and the two other little mutts I beat walk in; they haven’t healed fully as yet. I glared hard at them.  Kieran must’ve noticed my sudden stiffness “babe what wr-” I looked up to see his eyes darken just like last time except he held a murderous look on his face. Uh oh I pulled his head down to my neck and let him waft up some of my scent. I looked up again. His eyes were normal again but the look never changed. I did try. Abel’s head snapped to me as the other two did the same. He looked like if he saw his own death and then held an apologetic look. Wait what? He went down on one foot, bowing and tilting his head showing us his neck. Oh he was for real… I looked at him and said “I forgive you Abel” he grinned. A genuine grin. I didn’t notice before but Abel was good looking but he wasn’t even touching the level of Kieran. The other two bowed and copied Abel’s movements

“Forgive us Luna, please forgive us” they pleaded in unison. Kieran looked at them his glaze fixed and glazed with seething anger.

“I forgive you guys now I suggest you run, I can’t hold this guy” I pointed to their alpha and my mate “any longer, run!” I yelled, they got to their feet and scooted off as fast as they could. I heard a low dangerous growl escaped from Kieran. I turned to face him, all the rest of Weres present before were now gone, leaving me and my really possessive alpha alone. I pulled at his collar pulling him down to meet me face, he looked stunned- and very cute, and I pressed my lips on his and bit his lip payback for this morning! He growled and kissed back until I pushed away.

“We need to go” I said licking my lips. Before walking out I grabbed an apple. That was my breakfast. I walked out to see a midnight blue Tucson parked with Kieran leaning on its bonnet.

“Ready babe?” he asked, I nodded. I really love the way he says ‘babe’. The drive was short and quiet because it was only the two of us in the vehicle. I told him the directions, earlier he explained that my sister was still asleep in her room and no pack members wanted to wake her, when I asked why he simply smiled and said “she- like her sister, is a sleeping beauty, no one would want to wake a ‘sleeping beauty’” I blushed and couldn’t help but admire the level of emotion the pack had for my sister. We reached my house. We both got out and walked to the house. I opened the front door and inhaled the refreshing smell of my house; I was going to miss this.

“This house is really nice, it’s a shame” Kieran said looking down

“Kieran…I loved this house but that doesn’t compare to how much I love you okay? So stop looking so damn sulky” I said “but can I ask something?”

“Shoot for it” he grinned.

“Can i-we stay here for a night, I know you already spoke to Bla- Alpha Summers about coming here, when the rest of the guys arrive to help, I just need another night here, the last night”

“Why not, I’m comfortable with it” I put up a mind block between Kieran and myself,  you won’t be for long, I can assure you that my sweet possessive alpha.  My wolf growled happily can’t wait for tonight she thought mentally neither can I I thought back 

 My sweet alpha, you’re in for something tonight


authors note *singsongs it*

hi people/ cublings/ god knows what 

i have written two chapters so far in this book and i'm kind of jumping from wall to wall with happiness because of the amount of reads it has and stuffz, so tell me do you like Kieran? Sienna? Sierra?  what about cutie boy Allen? i think he needs a mate dont you? no worries this book is gonna be full of *stuff* hahahah lol okay keep reading and supporting! love you guys 

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