Troubled and grounded

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                           (11:32 p.m)
      (Panting).    (Mangles pov)
   Oh no!!!my mom is gonna kill me I have to climb through the window and try not to get caught.
      Then I slowly started to walk slow and started to climb up the tree then I saw it a crow next to me then it started to pick on my sweater causing me to move a lot
    Shuuu!!go away bird!I said and try fighting the bird then I heard the branch broke!!....this can't be good! then I fell down on the grass also I saw my mom come rushing over to me
  Oh no I got caught am so dead now!
Sweetie what happened!!!!!My mom said shocked
    I fell out the branch I said then her face turned angry
   Were you trying to climb up and then go to the window and into your room so you don't get caught!!didn't come the hour I told you too and came so late what were you doing??!?My mom said
  I couldn't tell her the truth so I lied.  I slept over at their house because we had a slumber party I said then I see my mom roll her eyes at me and crossed her arms
You should have still called me and I hope you didn't drink!She said
  Yeah I sorry I said
Sorry isn't gonna cut out mangle....go to your room now!!!!Your grounded!she said
    Ugh....great why why why!!This is what I get for drinking I then ran upstairs and into my room.
                             (Foxy pov)
     I was sleeping in a unknown bed when I sudden woke up by somebody being inside the room walking around I then saw the person it was mangle!!!she was dressing up and doing her hair then she turned around and saw me
   Then I spoke
Mangle?!?I said what is she doing here?then while I was so shocked while I was still wondering I saw mangle ran out of the room.why was mangle inside the room?!Hmmm...I should be getting up and get going to my house I got up I then realized I didn't have clothes on I was naked!!!did...-did I had sex with mangle my victim!I think I was so drunk I didn't feel her slim sexy body and her big!!!!am I  thinking,then I shook my head thinking if that thought I shouldn't think about her this way she's my victim I enjoy every bit when I bully her I love seeing her suffer and hear her crys and I like hurting her...I can't go back being her friend she hurt my feelings that why I changed forever!(flashback)In middle school I had a crush on her even though we were the best of friends that day I was gonna ask her but then it was after school I decided to go pick her up and walk with her home and tell her while we walk
   I then started walking when I saw mangle and springtrap hugging and kissing she broke my heart.....I guess she loves him she will never love me Then mangle saw me I then decided to pretend I was just passing by not looking at them she then appeared in front of me and with that springtrap jerk that I never liked!
     Hey foxy I want you to meet my boyfriend springtrap mangle said introducing me to him We then shook hands I then force a smile
Congratulations mangle I guess he's gonna walk you home huh?I said 
Yeah we are gonna walk together Mangle said putting her arm around springtrap grrrrr!I felt like shredding him into tiny pieces
Well Bye mangle see ya I said and walked away I then started to sob...I really love her and wanted her to become my girlfriend but I can't now cause she has someone
                            (End of flashback)
   Since then I hadn't talk to mangle when we went to high school I avoided her then that's when I decided to go join my crew they then made me into their leader instead of golden Freddy cause they like how I was so good at being bad like a criminal...and I really enjoyed it very much then I decided to get my revenge on mangle My crew made springtrap stay away from mangle and then set fire in his clothes causing him to go end up in the hospital I enjoyed it. Then I decided to bully mangle for her rest of her life for hurting me I then showed her how my pain felt.
        To be continue....plz vote and comment

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