I deleted the other story I thought it was lame so this is a another version but better so this is about them as humans mix what their animatronic form is they have fox ears and tails but can walk in the human world and have their own houses so mang...
(Mangle pov)(4 months now) I was awaken from the sunshine from outside I then grabbed my phone and check the time then I saw a bunch of messages from chica Chica:mangle let's go shopping to the mall and then after that we will get a delicious treat Chica:hello? Chica:why your not answering Maggie 🙄 Chica:plz answer me mag •_• I giggled and send her a message back to her Mangle:yes of course that sounds great but like at what time?🤔 Chica:at 1:00 p.m I then checked the time it was 10:43 p.m two more hours to go Mangle:yes alrighty well call me when your here I gotta go and eat bye I then got up and walk to my closet and grabbed a t shirt then I struggle to put it on darn it...it fits tight my belly has gotten more bigger it's noticeable now...I then looked in the mirror I looked very differently with a pregnant belly I can't believe there's a life growing inside of me..I hope my mom doesn't find out I have to find a solution...should I run away?...nope...wear oversized shirts?...yes I can hide it then I found a oversized shirt in my closet and put it on then I headed down stairs then I put my hair in a messy bun and ran of to breakfast,I looked around...my mom has went to work early I then made myself some waffles with the side of bacon and eggs I then finished my breakfast but I felt more hungry I got up to see if there's any snacks I found myself some pringles,and some oreo cookies and grab them and headed up stairs and lay down on my bed and watch t.v as I chow down my snacks. (3 hours later) (Yawn)I then noticed that I had fallen asleep....I wonder if chica is coming now?.....wait what time is it?!?..I jumped out of my bed and went to get my phone that was next to my t.v and saw 3 messages from chica Chica:mangle am here come outside Chica:hello?mag? Chica:am here waiting for you Maggie come outside now Oh my god...chica is outside I then ran to my closet and put my shoes on and got my bag and got my keys then I ran outside seeing chica beeping and eating some pizza and looking at her phone I ran to the car and knocked on her window making her jump then she opened the door for me and I sat down and closed the car door. Ekkkk...you scare me hi Maggie I was texting you and texting you didn't answer me what happened?chica said
My dumb self fell asleep for 3 hours that's the reason then I woke up and saw your messages and went running to my closet and came over here I said gasping for air then chica looked my outfit and then smiled Your hiding that baby belly chica said still looking Yeah I don't want my mom to find out and also because my clothes fit me tight now so yeah I said Well that's why we are gonna go shopping because am gonna buy you some cute clothes she said and put her hands on the steering wheel and started to drive You don't have to chica...that's to much I said chica then snickers Yes I have to...you know mangle your one of my bestest friend and I really care about so that's why am doing it your like a sister to me chica said
(At the mall) We had arrived...chica then pointed at a store where there seems to be some really cute clothes chica then dragged me over to the store and we went inside to take a look...I then chicas eyes widen and gasp and pointed at a velvet long dress that was for pregnant girls
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It also came with a velvet choker I saw the price and it said 60 dollars...wow pricey.
Am so gonna buy you this dress you gonna look so sexy in it chica said grinning making me giggle You really think I would look sexy in it?I said Yup now let's put in the basket chica said and grabbed the dress and put in the basket...is she really gonna buy it it's 60 dollars. I don't want her to spend a lot of money on me. Chica...I then you should put it back I don't want you to pay a lot on me I said being hopeful that she doesn't insist but she did Come on mangle...don't be such a douche bag we are getting it and end of story then we walked more to look for more clothes. (After shopping in the store) I can't believe chica bought me 9 outfits she spend like 400 on me and for her she spend 300 on clothes too. Then me and chica stopped in front of a food court.I saw chica sniffing the air like a dog which made me laugh Come on mangle let's stop at the food court and eat am hungry for a burger and fries,we then order what we wanted chica of course got her burger and fries and for myself I got cheesy nachos and a huge pepperoni pretzel with lots of cheese in the inside we then started eating our food when something caught my eye in the corner I looked and it was foxy and toy chica it seemed like a date they were laughing and holding hands....some how I felt a little bit jealous...why am I feeling jealous?Then I saw interrupted off my thoughts by chica waving her hand in my face Earth to mangle...Maggie?!Chica said Oh um sorry I replied and then chica asked me What were you looking at?chica said with curiosity I was looking at foxy and toy chica I said then she saw them and had a angry look Ugh...I hate that jerk for bullying you and hurting you Chica growled Am gonna show him how it feels to be in pain chica said and got up and put her hands in a fist and I the. Put her down on the chair
Come down...it's alright it's not worth it chica come on and continue eating I said then I saw chicas face relaxed I felt someone staring at the back of me I turned around and it was foxy..... To be continue...vote and comment