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(Five months) (Sunday)
(Mangle pov)
It's been really stressful for me,keeping the secret...I wish this never happened to me....I haven't even made a appointment for a ultrasound....Am wondering if am gonna have twins because my belly seems kinda huge for its month...but I hope am not pregnant with twins...I will have to make the appointment after school and just tell my mom am going shopping with chica

(Foxy pov)
I don't know why am saying this's not same anymore without mangle when we were friends and almost becoming more than friends...I think I took it too,far maybe it wasn't mangles fault....(sigh)it's my fault for not telling her first...I feel sad for treating her this way I then see toy chica coming over to me and handled me a glass of water
Thank ye lassie I said and looked away thinking about mangle then I feel toy chica pats me on the shoulder
Foxy why you look so sad?toy chica said why should I tell her!
Nothing be wrong with me lass I said and began drinking my water then I see toy chica still looking at me like if she's reading my mind then she stops and frowns
Don't tell me that you feel sorry for that ugly slut mangle toy chica said crossing her arms
Huh how did she read my mind?well I guess I was right she reads minds.
Well to be honest lassie yeah I kinda feel sorry I said regretting what I did but mangle still kinda hurt me for not even really talking to me anymore and avoiding me and being with that springy jerk
Ugh...don't feel sorry for that slut...why should you feel sorry for her she hurt your feelings toy chica said
But It was my fault..because I didn't confess to mangle first I said
Then toy chica rolls her eyes and snickers
First foxy did she avoided you she said with her hands in her hips
Well,yes she did I said
And also did she stopped talking to her and hanged out with him the most Toy chica
Yes I said and remembering everything
And lastly did she ever hanged out with you in alone time and did she ask why were You heartbroken?Toy chica
Yes I said defeating I guess Toy chica is right and has a point mangle didn't care why was I sad she was just so busy with her lover and hanging out all the time,but I still regret for not telling mangle...but I can't become a good guy am a bad guy and am the leader of the group...and I like being bad,I kinda for sorry for mangle I love her in my heart but I don't show it because I became mean and heartless..

(Mangle pov)
I went to check the living room and my mom wasn't always lonely in these hours in the house...I then decided why not go make a appointment today I then called and they gladly made me a appointment at 2:00 p.m and right now it is like 1:36 p.m so I had to get ready I went to my closet and put a cute outfit on this is how It looks like

m so I had to get ready I went to my closet and put a cute outfit on this is how It looks like

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And this is how mangle looks like

But without the blood stains and the bandages     I then grabbed my purse and keys and left it was so beautiful outside it is a very beautiful weather Then I feel my stomach rumble

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But without the blood stains and the bandages

I then grabbed my purse and keys and left it was so beautiful outside it is a very beautiful weather Then I feel my stomach rumble...well I guess am hungry and the baby is hungry I don't know if I have time to stop and get something to eat I decided to check the time it was 1:43 p.m,I guess I will buy something quick to eat I then started looking for any food stores and the nearest was a burger and fries restaurant I then decided to go eat there.
Hello what would you like today miss?he said kindly
I would like to get a order of large fries and a hamburger and some onion rings and a ice tea I said then he types it in and he says
The total is gonna be 12.45 cash he said then I got my purse and opened it...ugh...what I only have 5 dollars cash well I guess I will have to get something else that's 5 dollars
I don't have enough can you take that off and I will buy something else that's only 5 dollars am short on money I said then the guy nodded and the guy was about to erase when someone stopped him
I will pay for her a male voice said it kinda sounded like foxy
(Foxy pov)
I was in line when I see the guy telling the pregnant girl that's seems in her 16s because of her voice telling her the amount of money then I see her pull out her purse then she looked shocked and sad then she told the guy she didn't have enough money to buy her meal...I felt really sorry for her so I decided to pay for her
I will pay for her I said then I give the guy the money and I heard the girl said thank you

No problem I said I then see her waiting for her food but she was not facing my way I wonder why I think she's shy Then I see her got her food and began leaving Then after I got my food too,I decided to go know her little bit more

Hey missy what's your name?I said she then answers am mangle
It's-its mangle I said mangle???Can this be mangle?then she finally turns around and it was mangle..(gasp)Is mangle pregnant with springtraps baby then mangle stopped looking down and looks up she jumps and looks scared and try's to run but I caught her wrist
Plz don't hurt me am begging I had enough already plz!!!Mangle said yelling and started to cry uncontrollably
So are you pregnant with springtraps baby or someone else's I asked
It's not non of your business so let me go!!Mangle said then I remember the night with mangle I had in a nightstand...did I got her pregnant??maybe that's why she's not telling me
So I decided to ask her how many months is she
Mangle plz stop am not gonna hurt you plz tell me how many months are you?I said then mangle looked at the ground and began 4 months pregnant I said hmm...I remember we did it 4 months ago but am not sure it's mine
And who's the fathers baby?I asked then mangle looked more relaxed and she sign
I can't tell won't care because you hate me mangle said
I do care now can you plz tell me?I said then she started to sob uncontrollably again
No I can't...I just can't now leave me alone! You never told me what I broke your heart how do You expect for me to tell you if you didn't tell me why were you heartbroken I said
Well I was heartbroken because you were dating springtrap and I loved you and you broke my heart and avoided me but you know it was also me because I didn't confess to you first I said sobbing then I feel mangle hugging me
Is that really true foxy you loved me mangle said I then nodded
Sorry for avoiding you foxy it's...all my fault too in middle school I also has a crush on you but I didn't want to tell you I was so shy and I thought yo I were gonna reject me so I decided to just date springtrap but that was my worst mistake am sorry foxy mangle said hugging me tight
It's my fault too lassie am sorry also now can you tell me who's baby's is that?I said
The baby is yours foxy Mangle said am gonna be a father all I can do was smiled and she smiled lightly also
That's Great lassie am gonna be a father I said then her face turns to a frown and she looks away and I hear her sob
Lass what be wrong now?I said turning her head to see my face
But I can't keep the baby I haven't even finished high school and I don't have time to take care of it Mangle said sobbing
So I decided am gonna give it up for adoption mangle said
What!!!!No she won't!
No!Its our creation mangle yo Ivan do that if you want I will take the baby and raise it in my home but it's not gonna go to adoption I said angrily then mangle steps away from me and looks angry
Well..I get to decided because am gonna give birth to the baby not you mangles said
But am the father!!You understand me!!!it has to grow up with the both of us so we are gonna buy our own house and I will work and go to school and maintain you and our little bundle joy Foxy yelled
And if not I will just take it away from you!!!I yelled then mangle started shaking and step 6 steps away from me
Am not ready!!!I thought we were good!!!just leave me alone!!Mangle said running off oh great...she's running away from me I then started to go after her and I see her drop to the floor...mangle?!?
Mangle?!?I yelled in top of my lungs this is all my fault I then called 911 then they said there are gonna be in their no longer gonna be the bad guy
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