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                            (Mangle pov)
    I was awakening by beeping a noises my vision was very blurry I couldn't see where I was?I then blinked twice and got my vision back,this room looks like a I in the hospital?!? Is my baby okay!?! I hope my little one is fine I then saw there were machine wires connected to me?I wonder what happened to me I just remember running away from foxy then I blacked out. I then see the door open it was foxy with some roses in his hands and he then takes a seat next to my hospital bed and looks at me with sympathy he also had tears dripping from his eyes.

       Foxy....wh-wha happened?I said he then put his hand on my arm and rubbed it
    Well....lassie do ye remember when you were running away from me?foxy said
    Yes I remember that I said as I keep having flashbacks
    Well...when you were running you blacked out and fell Foxy said saying in a guilty voice,I just nodded  wondering why would I blacked out as I was thinking I see the doctor walking in
     Miss mangle how you feeling?the doctor said
    I feel kinds sore...but doctor is my baby okay?I said hoping my baby didn't died the doctor frowned and then looked at his clipboard and then he smiled widely...And I was so confused is my baby alright???maybe that's why he's smiling
    The babies are okay..they doing fine the doctor said if He was waiting for me to react
    What do you mean babies?Am I having more than one!?I asked as foxy face widen and my mines also

    Yes,your gonna have twins want to know the genders?Doctor said I can't believe this is happening! I then see foxy smiling and then he hugged me

      Yes please I said then the doctor announced it
   Your having twin boys!!!Doctor said in excitement then I see foxy squealing like a girl it must had made foxy really happen that am gonna have twin boys

     Doctor what had happened to me what was the reason I blacked out I said
    Well you blacked out because due to stress I recommend you don't stress out it's bad for you and the baby and you will be released today and also eat good foods wait in here and the nurse is gonna come and disconnect you so you can go home doctor said leaving.

    Then I started to cry softy and shake because I don't know if I should have them both for adoption it's a very hard choice and my mom is gonna know soon enough and she might kick me out and not love me and also i still in highschool I can't believe am 17 and am pregnant with twins I imagine my life differently I though i was gonna graduate and get a good job and around my 20s I will have kids of my own with my husband won't happen anymore.

      Lassie what's wrong aren't happy with the news foxy said sitting on the bed and bringing me close to his chest

     Yes,am happy am having twins but I don't know if I will be a good mother also I wanna...keep them...but the thing is that's to much...foxy can't you see am only 16 years old! I haven't even finished highschool yet!I said crying into foxys chest as foxys hands stroke my long hair
     Lass I know that everything will be okay because I will be by your side always until we die because....I love you Foxy said kissing me on my cheek
    Do you really love me after all the times you hurted me?I said
    Yes lass I really love you truly sorry lassie you didn't deserve it foxy said
     Plz don't worry lass if your mom gets angry with you and kicks you out...we will get our own house even if we're still in highschool and if not you will just move in my house foxy added

     And I doubt that lass she will get mad at you....does she love you very much and makes you breakfast when she's there?foxy said

     Yes she says she loves me very much and makes me breakfast almost all of the time I said

    And lastly and she say no matter what happens she will still love you Foxy said

     Well.....yeah I said thinking how much my mom loves me

    Then she will not get mad she loves you with all her heart, you should tell her about the news tomorrow it's not good keeping away from your mom Foxy said
       Yeah I guess I will have to tell her I said
     That's my good girl.....and lass you still want to keep our children?Foxy said

    Yeah....foxy do you want our children too will you help me out?I said with a hopeful look

    Yes of course lass,I really want my little ones I will help you I will never leave your side and our baby's foxy said as he gave a quick peak in my lip....

     Lassie plz forgive me for yelling at you when I had found you and told you I was gonna take away the child from you...I wouldn't do that...I just angry because we I wasn't gonna see them again foxy said

     It's alright foxy...I understand I should be sorry too,for saying I was gonna put them for adoption I said

Mangle can you officially become my know as girlfriend?Foxy said

Of course foxy I will become your girlfriend I said then we smiled at each other and finally he pulled me in and kiss me than the most awkward thing happened the nurse was standing there...and we didn't notice
     Did I interrupt this lovely couple?nurse said chucking
   Not at all I said the nurse just smiled and walk over to the machines
   Well let's disconnect you so you can go home she said and started to unplug me and gave me some sheets of paper with information in them
     That's the food you have to eat and avoid unhealthy stuff you shouldn't eat in your pregnancy she said and left
        Then me and foxy left and we went inside he car and drove off.
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