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Harry's pov

I arrive at school and make my way through the crowded hallways. Not caring who i bump into, until i hear her. The whimper of pain makes me stop dead in my tracks. Turning around to see who it was, i realize its the one and only Erin Williams. I begin to panic seeing as she is the most popular girl or should i say person in this school.

"Im so sorry" i blurt while rushing to her side to see if she is okay.

"Its fine" she tries to laugh but it comes out more of a cry.

"Are you sure, you seemed like you were in quite a bit of pain" i nervously rub the back of my neck while biting my lip.

"No really its fine just a little under the weather is all" she looks me in the eyes and my breath hitches in my throat. I've never actually intently looked at her before she always intimidated me so I knew to never get on her bad side. I've heard around school that she can be pretty scary when she is mad but i personally have never experienced it. But seeing her now, i regret that thought. She had beautiful blue eyes. They almost hypnotize you with specks of green here and there. Her hair a light caramel color with a very pale skin tone but not to the point that its sickly. Erin was actually a stunning girl and i was certain she knew it seeing the way she carried herself.

I hadn't realized i was staring until she cleared her throat.

"Im gonna be late for class so i should go.." she spoke almost hesitantly.

"Oh uh ya okay, maybe ill see you around sometime?" I try to hide the hope in my voice but i knew i had failed when i see her smirk a bit.

"Yeah, we uh have biology together"

Mentally slapping myself for not remembering i feel my cheeks turn red from embarrassment.

"Oh yeah right ill see you 4th period" i smile to her. She nodes her head before turning around and heading to class. Just as i was about to walk off i hear here speak again.

"Wait!" i quickly snap my head towards her direction.

"Whats your name?" she asks shyly,

"Harry, Harry Styles" i smirk feeling a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. The Erin Williams wanted to know my name? Today really was my day.

"See you around Harry" and then just like that, she was gone.

Erin's pov

As i turn and begin walking to class i cant help the grin the catches on my lips. Of course i knew his name. He was only the guy i had been crushing on sense 9th grade. I never had the courage to speak to him. He seemed so intimidating, as if he could snap at any moment. But i decided to play dumb and ask for his name. I didnt want to make it obvious that i had knew him.

I had English for 1st period and all i could think about was Harry. I couldnt wait till biology, i barely knew Harry and he was already making me swoon even harder then before over him. It was just something about him that made me want to know every detail about his life. No stop pull yourself together Erin, i think to myself.

Before i knew it the bell for the end of first hour rung and i was gathering my things. When i went to stand a retreat out of the room i immediately sit back down feeling a wave of pain throb from my lower area. Fear washed over me, i had never hurt this much after one of my "lessons" and i was certain something was wrong. I slowly attempted to stand back up and succeeded but with a large amount of pain. I inch my way to the exit of the classroom when i accidentally run into someone. Glancing up i see him, and for once i forget that i was ever in pain.

"Not paying attention to where we are going Mrs.Williams" Harry asks me smugly.

"Only returning the favor Mr.Styles" i sarcastically reply.

"Ouch" he holds his hand up to his heart acting offended to my statement.

"Its only fair dont you think?"

"Well i suppose this one time" he smirks down at me.

The pain surges through me again and i wince. Harry notices and looks at me worriedly.

"Sorry im having stomach pains" i lie, he doesnt seem to convinced but i put my best poker face on and smile at him. That seems to do the trick and after a quick wave good bye i make my way to second period.

All my classes we just the same. I get there set my stuff down and zone out for the majority of the class. That was until i get to fourth period. I cant help but have a skip to my step excited to see Harry again. I finally make it to the biology class room to find Harry was already seated and writing in his agenda what we were doing today. I take my seat and begin doing the same thing.

I feel a slight tap on my shoulder and slowly turn my head expecting to see the brown mop of curls. Instead i see my best friend, Cami. Slightly disappointed i engage in a conversation about the end of the year project we learned about yesterday. Mr. Martin (my biology teacher) enters the class and we all find our assigned seat.

"Okay class today we will begin our end of the year project on what you have learned in bio. You will be assigned a partner and will have 2 weeks to finish the assignment."

He begins to call the names of who will be partnered together. Then my name comes.

Erin Williams and Harry Styles.

{a.n ahh i will update maybe twice every week not sure what days though.. till next time -m}

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