The golden balls

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WARNING: MIGHT make you feel uncomfortable and can imagine the pain. Yes folks, contains a little bit of gore :>

Misha POV

I yawned as I stretched my arms. I looked at the clock and it's still 7am. I blinked my eyes to adjust my vision, and as soon as my eyesight is adjusted, I stand up for a bath. I took off my clothes and get my bathrobe. I breathed deeply to prepare myself for the cold water. Then I turn on the shower, I exhaled as I feel the coldness running down my body. It doesn't bother me much since Im an elestra. I enjoyed my bath till Im done. I went out to get my clothes for today and fixed my hair. As soon as Im done, I went down the stairs till I smell something delicious. I guess that turtle is still cooking..

Then I'll be eating outside. Im kinda lazy cooking my own meal for today so I'll go to my fave food resto. I hummed as I made my way down the stairs and took a peek at the kitchen. I saw the turtle putting the food in the plates then placing it on the table. He was wearing the same get up every morning. A grey apron and wearing a hair band. He was busy preparing till he began to speak "Why are you spying on me like that?" He asked so I blinked and showed myself from my hiding.

"I wasnt!" I retort while he flashed me his usual stare.

"Okay then.." He shrugged and looked away. I was about to take my leave till he asked "Where are you going?"

I looked at him with furrowed brows "Duh? Breakfast outside." I replied with as a matter of fact tone. He hummed then tapped the table saying "I made breakfast for the both of us."

"WHAT?!" I blurted out making him slightly smile

"What?" He asked back which made me blink again and put my hands on my hips. "What what? I mean.. why would you even cook breakfast for me also?" I asked him with a WTF face. Seriously, does he ever thought that I wont even give a damn about his cooking and that I wont eat it? Psh.. what is up with this turtle?!

He crossed his arms "I just.. felt like it." He said as he closed his eyes like he's thinking if he said the right words. I scoffed at him and turned away.

"Nope." I declined and started to walk till I heard running footsteps then he held my arm making my eyes widened and quickly turned to stare at his sudden actions. He was looking away while his free hand scratching his face using his finger. Then he slowly looked at me with a shy face. WHAT THE HELL AM I SEEING?! IS THIS THE TURTLE I KNOW?!

"I did it as a thank you for helping us making muffins for the kids.." He softly said. Wait.. this is amusing! BERNAEL BEING A SHY TYPE OF GUY?!

"Wow? I didn't know you're this type of guy.." I commented making him look away. Wait wait.. did he just blushed?!

"You don't know me enough, witch." He said then slightly looked at me again but I can see a slight reddish color in his cheeks. Probably shy at saying honest things.

"Riiight.." I said then started to think.. Should I accept the offer or no? Hmmm.. "What did you cooked?" I asked him.

"Uh.. bacon, some bread with melted cheese and some fried rice."

Oooh.. I admit I love those food. But it depends on how you cook it. "Desserts?" I lift an eyebrow.

"Caramel cake. I just.. made it last night while you were sleeping since Im not that sleepy yet.." He said as he scratched his head.

My eyes widened at what he said. CARAMEL.. CAKE!!! MUST HAVE IT!! But hmmmmmmm.. should I? Since.. he baked it. Hmmm..

"If you're having second thoughts. I still dont take no as an answer."

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