2: Eleanor

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She truly loved him. She knew that. She missed him too much for her to "like" him. No. This was much more.

She put on her clothes that were bought just for her, slipped on her new shoes, and walked outside to the mailbox silently praying for a letter from Park.
A postcard.
A note.

I love you too

She squealed and jumped around outside her new home feeling stupid with giddiness.

Of course he had told her the he loved her before she ran away but some part of her doubted that he still felt that way.

Maybe when she left he realized what a burden she really was and how completely ugly she looked.

She thought that he went back to kissing Tina and reading his awesome comics on his waterbed while listening to new music without her.

"No" she mumbled a clown-like smile still taking up half her face.

Park loved her.

And she loved him.

She wanted to kiss him so much it was actually tearing her apart. She wanted to hold his soft hands and touch his honey coloured skin. She even missed his parents. And his grandparents. She missed him even though he wasn't perfect. She missed him because he was Park.

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