The Prodigy Book [EDITED]

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*Ayumi's POV*

3 days passed since the message had been sent. I was walking on the training grounds when I saw Sensei and Sasuke on training. Sensei felt my presence and he smiled at me.

"Ohayou, Sensei!!" I greeted.

"Ayumi, about your Sensei-"

"I have a trainer already." I interrupted what Sensei said.

"You have?" He asked and I nodded.



"Secret!!!" He pouted and I just laugh. Then I saw Sasuke making chidori and hit the rock. Them something came up my mind. "Senssseeeii?" I said prolonging the word Sensei.

"What?" He asked.

"Can you teach me chidori, please." I asked with my eyes sparkling.

"But you don't have a lightning release isn't it?"

"I can work using water." I said and he sighed.


"YAAAAAAYYYY!!!!!" I scream like a fan girl.


"I SAID MAKE A HOLE NOT TO MAKE IT FLY!!!" Sensei scolded me. Sasuke ignored our training fight and I pouted.


"Sasuke, how many chidoris can you make?" Sensei asked.

"2" Sasuke said blankly.

"How about you Sensei??" I asked.


I smirked. It means I won!!!!

"I WINN!!!!!!!" I scream like a parrot and ran around the training ground. They both look at me with confusion as I kick the rocks on the training grounds.

"What do you mean?" Sasuke asked.

"You can make 2 chidoris while Sensei can make 4.. I REALLY WIN!!!" I scream again.

"How many chidoris can you make?" Sensei asked and I evilly laugh.

"10." I giggled.

"That is because you use water not lightning." Sensei said. "Lightning uses a lot more chakra than water."

"Alrighty~" I chimed. "But still I can make a water chidori! I'm strong enough!"

"Oh really?" Sasuke challenge.

"You have a lot of pride, Sasuke. And that's the worst thing I don't like." I huffed and he kept silent. Mom, can I kill this Sasuke?

*Thats what I wanted to.* Mom smirked.

"Then why don't we fight?" He asked and I smirked.

"Sasuke, you'll be suffering a lot." I smiled bitterly and Sensei looks interested. Sasuke took out his kunai and he dash towards me. I just simply dodge while singing.

"~lala lalala lalalala~!" I sang to the tune of the smurfs!!!! Sasuke activated his Sharingan which I don't care. He make a chidori towards me and I just stand there like nothing. Sasuke's chidori is almost near me when I deflected it. I made a couple of hand signs.

"Water style: Tidal wave!" A massive wave came towards Sasuke. He jump up high.

"Dumb sh*t." I giggled. "Water style: Water needles!" They all flew towards Sasuke so he got cuts but not that deep.

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