Chapter 6

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As we walk to their kingdom I try to keep my expression neutral, the same as Mirgandor's, while I try to think of a way out of this. It is surprisingly difficult because my mind is racing a mile a minute trying to calculate the situation and possible escape plans. At the same time I'm also trying to memorize the path through the forest. As we walk into the forest I hear one of the guards leading us talking to another guard. "I don't understand what exactly is going on. Why would the so-called dragon be dragon around a human?" The one said to the other. The guard the first one was talking to just did a slight shrug, looked around inconspicuously, then replied," I have no clue, but I do know we shouldn't be caught talking, so shut it." The first one was about to reply, then received a glare from the second punnyig and closed his mouth. I barely suppressed a smile. Even when escorting prisoners, they can't help but make puns. After that, I didn't hear a single punnyig speak.

Finally we reached a large tunnel. We were in very thick part of the forest, where it was hard to walk. Despite being dragged through as prisoners, I gaped at it. It was gorgeous. It was made from trees who's branches had been entwined to create a roof. Vines had also clung to the branches and grew between the branches, creating an almost waterproof tunnel. It was wide enough for a car to drive through, although the thought of cars brought the knowledge that there weren't any in this world, and it might be awhile before I saw another. The tunnel roof arced about 10 feet above our heads. The sides and roof of it were green, and some of the vines had beautiful flowers. Some vines also dangled down, which looked really cool with the flowers on them. I even saw a few birds flitting about. One was even feeding some baby chicks. The light filtered through the leaves, so the ground was dappled in light and dark. The ground was even beautiful. It was a lush green and soft. There were luminescent blue mushrooms that grew in clumps, and everywhere there were beautiful tiny yellow flowers. The tunnel last about 10 minutes before we came to its end. It looked liked it was a dead end because the vines dangled down so thickly it looked like there was solid rock beyond. As soon as we arrived in front of it we stopped moving, and the punnyig stopped his song. Mirgandor stared around and blinked a couple times in confusion. I copied his actions. "Alright," the leader spoke, "we have arrived at the punnyig kingdom. You do not remember the route we took here, so don't even try to escape. We are now going to escort you to the queen, so be on your best behavior. You will not speak at all unless spoken to." Cassandra grumbled something and then gave a startled scream of pain. The leader had darted in at her and bitten her tail then ran away out of Cassandra's reach. "Silence, prisoner. You may be one of us, but you are as low as the other prisoners." The leader commanded. He then led the way through the vines and disappeared. I stifled a gasp. It had looked like he had walked into solid rock and vanished. Then the guards ahead of us followed and the guards behind us prodded us onward. We walked through the vines, and it was like one of those movies where you step into a whole new world. Everything was amazing. The tunnel we just went through was a mere taste of this. There were huge trees that stretched towards the sky. The leaves and branches created a canopy that was thick, but not so thick that sunlight couldn't filter through. The trunks of the trees were so thick I'm not sure if 5 people could reach around it. In between the trees there was plenty of space. I saw ponds, gardens, fountains, small streams, and so much more. And just like the tunnel, the vegetation looked healthy. As I looked around more I saw holes that burrowed into the ground. They were everywhere; in the middle of gardens, next to ponds, and some were made between the giant roots of trees. I also saw a giant section of cleared ground with stands surrounding it. The stands were filled with punnyigs, which would explain why there were few punnyigs wondering around. As I was watching I heard a loud cheer from the onlookers. I tilted my head, curious. They couldn't be playing any of the regular sports on Earth, so it had to be a new one.

We continued walking and as we did I continued to stare at the magnificence of the punnyig kingdom. I noticed that all the burrows that were put between the tree roots had signs above them. They had names and sale prices, so I think they are the stores. We followed a winding stone path for a long way. We stopped when we reached a giant, sheer cliff. I looked up to see how high it went and realized the leaves of the trees blocked how far up it went. The stone path broadened and became more even, leading to the bottom of the cliff. Where it ended started a set of stairs carved out of the cliff. It zigzagged up the cliff, about a fourth of the way I could see was a gaping hole in the cliff. I groaned inwardly at the sight. Being a Floridian, I'm not used to climbing up like that, so to me, it is torture. The next thing I now the guards are urging me onward up the cliff. I started up the cliff towards pain and who knows what.

When we reached the entrance into the cliff my legs ached like they never had before. We had climbed a long way, and my legs, not being used to it, protested greatly. Thankfully the steps were wide, or I would fallen off. The steps were apparently used often, and had been worn away over time from use and weather. It didn't help that I kept looking over the side. It wasn't because I was afraid of heights, it's because I'm afraid of falling. In the tunnel it was dark and cold. It was also dry. The path slanted slightly outward, so that if any water collected it wouldn't be in the middle where people mostly walk and would be more likely to trip. As we walked in farther and the light from the entrance faded there were luminescent mushrooms that hung on the walls like torches. They looked similar to the ones in the tunnel entrance to the punnyig kingdom, but bigger. 'Huh, they have a tunnel entrance to the kingdom, they have burrows, which are basically tunnels, and we are in another tunnel. They must really like tunnels," I thought to myself. Although the mushrooms provided light, it was very little. It was like one of those tiny flashlights back on Earth that do better at showing more darkness than providing light. I tried relying more on the punnyigs guiding us, because they seemed to know where they were going. As I focused on them I realized something. There were fewer guards. From the sounds of breathing and hooves on stone it sounded like there were about 5 left. Some must have been left behind at the entrance. As I walked, my legs began to ache again, and I noticed the cause was that the tunnel was sloping upwards. I started to rub my arms, trying to warm them because it was getting chilly. Anyone else might not be bothered by it, but being a Floridian has its drawbacks. One of them includes sensitivity to the cold. I began to feel something small and cold against my skin around my neck. I moved a hand to it and realized it was my locket. I had forgotten all about my locket! I made sure it was tucked inside my shirt and continued. As I listened to the punnyigs for guidance a sound stood out to me. There were the sounds of hooves on stone, but then I also heard the sharper sounds of metal on stone. I got very perplexed by this. 'What would be making the metal on stone sounds?' I wondered. Having nothing else to do, I puzzled over it as we walked. It seems that the two sounds alternated. Could they have something on their feet? Metal... Feet... Metal... 'I know!' I thought, 'Maybe they could have shoes like horses do. Although I don't know why the sounds would alternate.' I puzzled over this new bit of information as we walked. 'Could it not be shoes, perhaps? But if it isn't shoes, what is it?' I asked myself. We continued on in the dark for a long time. The tunnel continued going straight, without any turns, and as we progressed the tunnel continued to get steeper. Just when I thought my legs would fall off, the tunnel leveled out. Then a bit after that the tunnel opened up into a giant chamber. The chamber was well lit. I could see more of the blue luminescent mushrooms, although these ones were much bigger, again hanging on the walls like torches. I also saw holes in the ceiling that let in sunlight. The ceiling was about 100 feet above my head. The room had an ovular shape, with a throne at the far end across from us. Along a straight path to the thrown giant pillars we're placed periodically. They had designs, although they were faded so it was hard to tell what they depicted. As we walked forward I saw a punnyig come from a door that was behind the throne and climb onto the platform to take a seat on the throne. There were many guards that stood around the platform, although I didn't see any weapons so I'm not sure how they would protect the punnyig who was apparently the queen. The guards halted us a few feet before the platform. The 5 guards who had escorted us bowed. I wasn't sure if I should bow, but when I saw that Cassandra and Mirgandor remained standing, I just looked curiously at the queen. She was well groomed and petite, although elegant. Her fur was glossy, and shone a brilliant white that reflected the light. I also noticed she wore a tiara with a brilliant sky blue gem. It was beautiful. It reflected the light perfectly. As I stared at the gem, mesmerized, I saw a bright flash of blinding light, and then black.

Author's Note:
The video I attached I think kind of goes with it, because Cyril is in a totally different world, although somewhat similar, and in this new world she finds another new world. I don't know why, but the whole time I was making this world, I had that song stuck in my head, which was also part of the reason I attached it. If you listened to it, now it is your turn to have it stuck in your head! Also, if the ending seemed a little confusing don't worry, it will be explained. And please, this is the punnyig kingdom she is in, so any puns would be appreciated! Also have a happy New Years Eve! My grandma died recently and my parents are busy doing stuff with that, so I can only have a small party with my family. But I hope everyone can be with friends and family tonight, and have fun!

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