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I was a young cat, when Clare adopted me. We were best friends--or so i thought. Then after about a year later, we grew apart. Then she met Mike. "We gotta move outta this dump it is not big enough for the puppy I got you," Mike was saying to Clare. Clare nodded her head, and began packing her bags. Mike joined her. I wondered why they were rushing around, trying to leave.

We were in the car now. Clare and Mike were talking. I decided to try to sleep in my cramped kennel, when I got a wiff of dog right next to me. Instinctively, I hissed. "Did you have to bring that damn cat with us? Your mom couldn't take it? That thing pisses me right the fuck off." Mike had looked back and glared dead at me. You can probably guess the we didn't get along very well, but i did put some nice scars on that jerk.  Clare gave no answer.

We stayed at the Bell-Air Motel. I got hungry, I hadn't eaten all day. Clare grabbed a cigarette box and shouted to Mike "im going to go smoke, you coming?" Mike was in the bathroom, and his answer was a muffled, be there inna sec. Clare left the room. Now it was quiet. I was starving. I looked around and saw the dog left some food in its bowl. I was super hungry so I went to eat it. I could hear Clare talking to someone. Mike came out of the bathroom and walked past me. He put a shirt on "Clare who the fuck are you talking to?" he shouted. He turned around and looked dead at me, anger and annoyance flashing through his face. He took one large step--the door began to open--his foot mad impact with rear-- Clare, along with two new people entered the room their facial expressions all at once changing from a happy conversation, to a scene from a horror film--I was flying, he kicked me like a football, and I was now flying through the air, I landed in the bathtub--the man and woman who followed Clare in to the house, both ran forward the man said "im taking your cat" as the woman ran to get me. "Take the piece of shit I don't give a damn get the little bitch outta here."

I was a couple rooms down from where I was before. Rick and Hope where the people who rescued me. They had two little girls whom were very sweet. That's when I realized I wasn't the only cat in the room. Bella made herself known.

(ok now this is based on real events. my family and i rescue felines and sometimes other animals. if you have any questions about a certain cat, or anything else please comment it so i may enlighten you - the writer)

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