The Move

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Today was the day they left that depressing motel and moved in to their very own home. It was different. More space. About two years into the move, Bevis' stomach lining tore and he went to the vet and never came back. Butthead was worried. Bella and Dinky were two, but they didnt know Bevis like he did. There was a box that smelled just like him. It was on the mantle. He was quite old, 19 years old to be exact. Bella never saw Miles. This was sad, but she had a new life, at least she got to say goodbye. Dinky never missed anything about her old life. She was a little jumpy at times but she was a wild thing. Butthead didn't like to be bothered. He usually sat in the window sill waiting his brother's return.

About two years later they moved again, to an even bigger house. It was hot the first few days but it began to cool off. About six months later, butthead passed away. He was 21 years old. He lived a good life.

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