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"doll, c'mon talk to me." said a whiny tone over the phone.

"I don't want to talk to you" tyler said monotonely lighting his cigarette.

"calm down i just wanna talk i don't even want you to talk, just listen, ok? i know you're good at that." josh said his tone deepening. when josh's voice gets deeper it means one of two things, he's horny or he's actually sorry.


"listen, angel. i know its been rough, for the both of us. i've been more focused on me than you and that hasn't necessarily been fair to you but you have to understand i don't want anything more in the world than to talk to you all day but i simply can't. i have so much going on right now but if you can hold on until december when my hours are actually guaranteed and i have a proper schedule set up. but baby i know i say this too much but you just gotta hold on and wait, ok? i know you feel neglected but understand that i still love you sosososoooooo much. but you just gotta wait a lil longer, this is killing me too baby boy." josh spoke all in one breathe as if he has been trying to say this forever just unable to find the words. the familiar tangs of guilt struck tyler.

"i'm sorry i've been really selfish lately. you have other things to do and i promise i'll try and hold off until then. i love you." tyler spoke sweetly his eyes immediately watering. 

"i love you too sweetheart. now i need you to wash your face and settle down for bed. it's late and you have school." 

"mkay, but just know im gonna be clingy tomorrow"

"when aren't u tho"

sensations ; joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now