Where did Megan go...

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Honey and Sadie ran towards a big golden door, "Maybe she went through here?", Honey asked. "Mayb-", said Sadie as Queen Unicorn appeared infront of them. "She went somewhere, you will find out where later in your quest..", said Queen Unicorn, Sadie and Honey gasped. "Quest?! We are on a QUEST?", shouted Honey. Queen Unicorn nodded. Suddenly the girls saw a flash. They closed their eyes tightly. "Open your eyes", whispered Queen Unicorn. The Girls opened their eyes. "Oh no!", they both shouted. It was a maze. " Its gonna take us forever to find Megan now!", Honey shouted. 

Sadie walked onwards, "Follow me", said Sadie. Honey followed Sadie, but they came to a dead end. They both sighed. " What was that?", they said looking at each other. There was a scream. " Its Megan!", they ran and ran. Although they kept coming to dead ends, they finally did it. They found the end of the maze. "Yes!", they said. Honey noticed something. This thing was a track. They found footprints, it looked like hooves? " I wonder why there are hooves?", said Honey. "Yeah", said Sadie. 

They followed the footprints which took them to a sign. *Unicorn Land - 2 miles*. "Maybe we should go Honey, remember, we need to save Megan. ", reminded Sadie. Honey agreed. "Good Girl", Sadie laughed. They kept going for 2 miles, Honey and Sadie were tired. " How much longer *pant* *pant*", said Sadie. Honey understood why she was tired, she had short legs. "Dont worry Sayd, not much longer. Wait, how about I give you a piggy back?", asked Honey. Sadie seemed up to it. "Yeah!!!", she screamed. Honey lent down as Sadie jumped onto her back, Honey started walking. The journey came to an end. There was a pink door saying "Unicorn Land" on it. Sadie high-fived Honey. They entered the door...

Whats through the door? Find out in my next paragraph *COMING SOON*!

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