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"Just how is this going to work?" The Flame questioned as Permafrost showcased his plan of action. Standing next to the frosty dweeb was an absolute perfect clone of The Flame, from the wild pink hair to the shirtless torso he always unfortunately sported. Permafrost sighed. "The Second Flame is going to distract Magenta and make her think it's the real you. Meanwhile, you and I are going to stake it out. Before things get too heated, we'll surprise everyone, blasting Magenta before sending her to jail. Over and out."

Nodding, The Flame agreed. "One thing. Who is my twin and where did you find him?" Permafrost smirked, glowering his navy eyes. "Her. You mean, where did I find her?" Onyx eyes bugged out of their sockets. "S-She's going t-to have... w-with another girl?" Laughing, Permafrost shook his head. "Technically, her body is going to seduce Magenta. Nothing more is going to happen. Pull your head out of the gutter, Man."

Pulling his resolve together, and removing dicey images from his head, The Flame lead his twin and roommate to the abandoned bridge. The two heroes hid behind one of the massive concrete poles that held the weight of the bridge underneath. A nauseating cackle emitted the otherwise tranquil air. "I see you've made your appearance, Flamey Baby."

The real Flame gagged, Permafrost wordlessly urging him to keep quiet. He also managed to call the police on the down low, allowing The Flame to have his yackfest. The Second Flame said no words, probably to not allow anyone to know he was a really a girl. After a few minutes, The real Flame daringly peeked from around the rusted pole, making eye contact with Lucy. The poor girl was puzzled as to how she got here and how there were more than one of her crushes. More tears fell from her brown eyes, each one paining The Flame more than the last.

At one point, The Second Flame reduced Magenta to soft sighs, all through the power of dominance and kisses everywhere on her face, minus her lips. Permafrost, the brains of the two, made the signal to move out and ready themselves for an attack. It was a joint one, using both fire and ice to scorch the enemy. Stealing a glance toward his love, Lucy's eyes flourished with hope, as her hands and feet were bound, a gag restricting movement in her sweet mouth. The sight would forever haunt his nightmares.

With a simple gesture of an upward pinky, Permafrost was ready, waiting on The real Flame to ceremoniously hold his up as well. Curtly nodding, they both shouted, "Fire and ice twice and thrice!" This special raid they had been practicing allowed for three waves of fire licking lasers showered with ice prickles, similar to a cactus, to inflict harm on the victim. Such a pointed shot allowed for a single victim, verses a typical magic blast that would harm anyone in the way of it.

With an earth shattering screech, Magenta fell to the floor in pain, confused. "W-What? How are there two of you?" The real Flame snickered. "Honey, we're just that good."

"Police!" a man shouted, looking at the superheroes for direction as to who needed to be arrested. Once Magenta was squared away, The real Flame beelined for his Luce, eager to hug her brains out. "I'm so sorry you got dragged into this mess again. I swear, it was all my fault." he explained as he removed the inhibiting gag from her smooth lips. "How would such a matter be your fault?" she questioned, furrowing her brow. "W-Well, you see... Magenta has the power to read minds or something like that and I was kind of... thinking about y-you at the time so, it really is my fault."

Lucy's cheeks became an inflamed red color, rivaling his spandex pants. She was such a cutie, that he was certain about. Her hands that were still tied, reached out to brush his jawline, his shoulders shivering at the memory of the last time she touched him like that. "Your hands," he whispered, grabbing them before removing the bound rope. A slight smile broke on her face as he did so. "You were thinking about me? May I ask why that was?"

He was sure his embarrassment was catching up to his blushing. "I was thinking about you because I-I like you, Lucy. I know it seems a little crazy since I've only seen you one other time, but I really do." She sighed lovingly, leaning in and resting her hands on his bare chest, making small circles. He was grateful they had already kissed before, or else he'd be a nervous wreck. Well, he still was incredibly anxious, but held it all together with a needle and flimsy string. The feel of her warm breath spanning his skin was almost too much to bear.

"Pardon me, but we're still here, you know." a girl's voice spoke with such authority. Wait, there was another girl here? Oh yeah! It was the voice of his stunt double, who also happened to be of the opposite gender. Nevertheless, their moment was shattered like broken glass, The Flame focusing on unknotting the rope around Luce's ankles, and certainly not the skin of her thigh that was being flaunted from underneath her skirt from the way she sat. He held onto her hand and helped the blonde to her feet, walking to join the other two bystanders.

"Lucy, this is my partner, Permafrost. He's a creepy douchebag who enjoys over sexualizing everything and has a knack for telling me when it's time to do my laundry. This is The Second Flame and I still have yet to know who she is, just that she can eerily look like me." Lucy giggled at his endearing descriptions. "My name is Erza Scarlet and I have the power to change myself into other people. I also have an arsenal of armor," she loudly whispered the second sentence exclusively to Lucy, before wagging her eyebrows.

"Whoa! You're not supposed to share your real identity!" The Flame whined. "Really? I already know who Permafrost is. Who are you?" Erza skeptically asked The Flame. His eyes darted from Erza to Lucy, not being able to spill the beans to everyone in his company. "Like I would ever tell you!"

"Suit yourself," she shrugged. "Wait, how did you get your powers?" Lucy asked. "Same as these two bozos. I was born this way, yet my powers didn't activate until recently." Erza explained, changing her appearance to be her own with the simple flash of a blinding light.

The Flame and Permafrost agreed, assuring Lucy that that was indeed the way things had transpired. "Am I allowed to know who you both are?" Lucy wondered aloud, aiming her question to both boys. "I'm afraid not. I don't give a rat's behind, but my fire buddy here would certainly mind." Scoffing, The Flame spoke without thinking. "Gray! I so would not care! It's just not the right time, okay?"

At his counterpart's outburst, he rolled his eyes. "Nice going. Now she knows who I am."

"Hey! I have a close friend who's totally into you! You didn't hear it from me, but his name is Natsu Dragneel and I could hook you up with him! He's a real sweetheart and can be funny when he wants to," Lucy spoke up, trying to remove some stiff tension. "Y-You really think so??" Erza stuttered. "Absolutely!"

Permafrost could not contain his howling laughter, finding the situation beyond ironic. As he doubled over in laughter, The Flame couldn't help but find the action endearing. All Lucy wanted was to innocently help him out. Sure, it was unfortunate and based off of false information that he had fed her anyway, but she still cared. And that melted his heart for her even more so.

"By the way, he's also a great kisser."

Permafrost lost it.

November 13, 2017 🦕

Hello lovelies! I love y'all so much! Hopefully you enjoyed, so feel free to cote or comment a prediction, or if you just have anything to say, I'd appreciate it.

Much love,
Bubbles <3

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