Am travelling back home, from visiting my relatives, yes, the once I stayed with during my industrial attachment, last year.
I stayed at their home from June to November and when I left, a day after I left, a beautiful bundle of joy was added into the family. Quiz: do the maths, how many months is she now???.
Six months. Please pinch yourself if you didn't get
So, ummmh, her pet name is Tunic,or as I call her Miss Lovely. It was really nice to see my 2nd family again. And , its amazing that I have a 2nd home ,apart from my actually home.
I visited yesterday and am abut 60KM away from home right now., but what really broke my heart was when my the eldest child, Gabby started crying when I was about to leave. I actually had tears in my eyes, but I didn't cry. So, I told her " Gabby, I've to go to school tomorrow"( which is a lie by the way), i said. Looking straight into her teary eyes. "Don't you want me to go to school??" , I ended with a question. "No", she squeaked vehemently. Well, all attempts to console her didn't work, even my supposed visit in a couple of weeks time.
Music - I've been listening to my PLSST playlist, by the way, PLSST means nothing.,seriously, honestly,am not lying,you are all not four year olds,so I don't have to lie to As I was saying, I just kind of,click on shuffle and relax and listen to the music. And enjoy the possibilties that the 'shuffle' offer/offers.
Yay, I am now back in my state. The journey was a 2hour journey give or take. And , I have nothing to say. And make your kids watch Nickoledeon not!!
A/N: I type with my phone,so, am sorry if it always looks mangled.
Thanks to my wonderful friends that read every post and my friends that have added this journal to their library and to my friends that have 'liked' it also. Merci boucoup.!!!!!!!!