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She looked at him, whomwas staring at her smiling, then bit his lower lip.
-" I don't know what love is, I don't know what happiness mean, but I know that I want to be with you all the time y/n, you make me feel things that I have never felt in all my years of life.
-" I fell in love with you the first night I saw you, when you smiled at me, you are really a witch because you have me under your spell Jungkook.
He smiled at her wrapping his arms around her back hugging her.
-" I guess I'm a witch then jagiya, I want to be yours and I want you to be mine, for the rest of the eternity.
-" well sweetie we can arrange that.
She turned around in the lock of his hug to face him.
-" It made me feel sad when you told me that you didn't have any friends.
He said kissing her eyelids.
-" well, no need to be sad anymore, I have you now right?, of course my brother and the boys.
-" yes jagi (sweetie).
He nodded.
-" do you know how beautiful you are Jungkook?"
-" not even half of how beautiful you are.
He leaned finding her lips kissing her soflty and passionately.
-" I never thought that I could find a man like you nor fall in love like I am now.
-" do you love me y/n?"
-" with all my heart Jungkook.
His chest felt like a bright light was getting ignite inside.
-" if this is how love feels y/n, I think I love you, I know I would give my last drop of blood for you.
-" Baby, I would too.
She wrapped him in her arms, he was surprise at the warmth the radiate from her body even she was a vampire.
-" I love you Jungkook.
She laid her head on his shoulder somehow he felt the need of wrapping his arms around her while running his fingers thru her hair.
They held each and kissed each other until they felt the sun rising.
-" let's go princess, the sun is rising, we can't be out here like this, hop on.
She gets on his back, once again he takes off at the speed of light jumping through the window of his room.
-" thanks Jungkook last night was amazing.
-" I'm glad I can make you happy jagiya.
He kissed her hand while lifting his face when their eyes met, he had and intense gaze that made her knees weak and her heart melt.
- this boy's beauty is amazing, is indescribable.
She thought.
-" you know I can read your thoughts right?"
She couldn't look away, his gaze had her almost frozen in place, his hand came up to push her hair behind her ear.
-" would I be able to do that to when I develope my abilities?"
-" what read my mind?"
She nodded.
-" not mine but vampires weaker than you yes you will be able to, so no you won't be able to know what is on my mind.
He said with a naughty smirk.
She pouted as she cupped his face with both hands getting close to him.
Jungkook wasn't used to this kind of skinship being a vampire, he had never felt attracted to a female like with y/n, even with a vampire.
-" your touch send weird sensations thru my body, I don't know what is this that you make me feel baby girl.
-" is it in here baby?"
She placed her hand in his chest then looked at his face.
-" yes baby, is in my chest.
-" let me try one thing.
She moved her face very close to his ghosting her lips over his, there was this warm sensation running thru his immortal body.
-" is like a fire being ignited thru my body.
-" is good baby, is feelings.
-" whatever it is it makes me feel warn inside and I don't want it to stop.
He kissed her sweetly wrapping her in his embrace.
She felt like there was no better sensation, his skin was cold but it made her feel so warm.
-" I love you so much Jungkook.
-" I want to tell you that too but...
She shush him placing her finger over his lips.
-" stop, my intention is not putting a burden on your shoulders my beautiful and sexy vampire, I tell you how I feel because I like to express my feelings, I don't know if I'm going to lose those as my vampire side takes over so I'm going to tell you while I'm still feeling it.
-" you are so different to what I'm used to y/n, I think that's why I feel so attracted to you.
-" I could say the same thing about you baby.
He kissed her again leaning down some until his head was on top of her shoulder.

-" Where is the girl D.O?"
-" I almost had her but Namjoon and the others showed up allowing Jungkook took her away then they just beat us to death and....
-" shut up!!!"
He screamed.
-" I don't want to hear your excuses D.O., I need her dead like her father, we don't know what kind of abilities she possess, I'm pretty sure that her abilities are better than her stupid father.
-" I understand boss, I would get rid of her I give you my word.
-" I hope you don't fail me again, otherwise your fate will be the same as her father if I have to step in on this matter.
-" yes boss.
Back at Namjoon's house, Jungkook and y/n were sitting on the living room, she doze off leaning on his chest.
The boys walked to the living room and see y/n fast asleep on Jungkook's chest.
-" hey Kookie whassup?"
-" nothing just here being a plush pillow to your sister hyeong, how can she sleep when she is a vampire?
-" remember Jungkook she still transitioning from a human being to a vampire.
-" ahhh, I understand now.
-" how is she adapting?
-" fine I guess, I'm the one that is super confused with all the things she make me feel. I'm supposed to be soulless, how is she making me feel all these warm sensations at the same time?, I'm just made a mess.
Namjoon laughed a Jungkook's frustration.
-" relax boy, we are going to figure out everything, ok.
He nodded and smiled, y/n looked for a better position to lay down, so she turned side ways laying her folded legs on top of Jungkook's thighs.
-" I'm going to take her to the bed all this tosing and turning is not good for my lower region.
The boys look at Jungkook's facial expression whom he seemed in trouble.
-" ahhh, I got you Jungkook.
They all laughed as Jungkook carried y/n to his room.

They all laughed as Jungkook carried y/n to his room

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