Chapter 2

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Letty's POV

I wake up to the feeling of someone's warmth body next to mine. Confused at first, I turn to see Vince still asleep. His arm is wrapped my waist with my back pressed against his chest. I get a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach as I watch Vince sleep. I feel like I am betraying Dom. 

I just can't do this. I feel like Bella. She couldn't be with Jacob even though she knew Edward left her. Her love for him never died one bit. In fact I am just like her. Months I didn't speak to anyone. I didn't hang out with Mia and Brian when they invited me to go do things. I just couldn't. Then I got closer to Vince and he made me feel happy. I no longer was depressed about Dom being gone. He left me without an explanation, but I still long to be with him. Like Bella longed to be with Edward. 

Deciding to shower, I gently move Vince's arm from around my waist. He's a heavy sleeper so it doesn't wake him. I wrap the sheet around my naked body and make my way to the bathroom. I feel like I'm doing the walk of shame. Only I am already in my house. 

Last night was great. Vince was great. But he wasn't Dom. After we were done, I couldn't fall asleep quickly. I knew I had betrayed Dom. Even if he was the one that left me without an explanation. I just need to wash all of this guilt away. Vince probably thinks I want to be with him now but I can't. How do I tell him that I was just trying to see if I felt something for him but I didn't? That will crush him and I don't want to do that. But I have to.

The shower doesn't wash away the guilt but I knew it wouldn't. As I stand in the shower thinking about how Dom left me without an explanation, I get angry. How can he do this to me? How can he do this to Serena, our daughter? Dom didn't know I was pregnant before he up and left. I found out a week later that I was carrying his child. 

I never pictured this. I never pictured having a daughter this way. I don't regret deciding to have her one bit, but it's just hard. It's not fair to Serena. My anger builds up, making my blood boil. Letting my frustration out, I punch the solid wall with my right fist before crying out in pain. The pain isn't because of my wrist when it makes a shattering sound. The pain is from Dom leaving me. Nothing will ever be more painful than that. At least when it comes to me getting physically hurt. 

I get out of the shower before throwing on a pair of leggings and a tank top. I ignore the throbbing pain in my wrist. My hand swipes the mirror so I can see myself. Guilt. All I see is guilt. It's written all over me. How could I do this to Dom? I'm ashamed of myself. But then I remember that he left me. Not the other way around. I open the door to the bathroom, only to say shit really loud. I think I fractured my wrist. It starts to throb even more, causing me to wince.

"Everything okay?" Vince asks, walking over to me. The only thing he is wearing is a pair of shorts that hang low on his waist. Normally I would be turned on by something like this but I'm not. I mentally sigh before showing Vince my wrist.

"Looks like you might of broken a bone or two. We need to get you to the hospital." Vince grabs his keys and walks me to the car. He opens the door for me before quickly walking to the other side of the car. I wanted to tell Vince that I didn't need to go to the hospital because I was fine. But the truth is, I'm not. My wrist isn't fine. My life isn't fine. I'm not fine. Nothing is fine. "So you want to tell me how you did that to your wrist?" I knew that question was coming. It was pretty obvious that I punched something because my knuckles were already bruised and had dry blood on them.

"I hit the shower wall." I bluntly say, before turning my attention to what's on the outside of the window. We pass by a bunch of houses. One of the houses that we slowly drive by, makes me want to cry but I hold it in. There's a man and woman playing with their little girl. That could have been me and Dom with Serena. He should have been here for when I had doctor appointments to go to, when I gave birth to our daughter, and when I had to pick a name for her. Dom was supposed to be here for all of that. I look closely to the couple to see it was Dom standing there watching the mother play with the child. 

I quickly open the car door as it's still moving, and jump out. I almost trip and fall due to the motion but I keep my balance. I can hear my name being yelled out by Vince but I keep walking toward Dom. When I come up into the yard with only one thing in mind, he looks at me confused.

"Letty, what are you doing here?" Ignoring his question, I go right to shoving him. 

"How could you leave me?!" I yell, shoving him harder. "You left me without an explanation! How could you do that to me?!" I go to shove him again but he dodges me. "Was I not good enough for you, Dom?" By this time I have tears streaming down my face. When I look up to say something back to Dom, I stumble back nearly falling on my ass. A guy with brown hair and bluish eyes is staring at me like I had two heads. I look over to the woman and see she has the same expression. Vince walks over to me with concern. He probably heard everything. "I...I didn't...I'm sorry. I thought you were someone else. I'm sorry." I slowly back away from them before heading to the car. Once we are both in, Vince turns and looks at me.

"When you punched the bathroom wall....was it because of him." Vince ask, scared of what my answer is. He didn't even have to ask because he already knew. Not being able to talk, I just nod my head before looking down at my hands. I don't know what came over me. "Hey, it's okay." His hand grabs a hold of mine before giving it a reassuring squeeze. "I will help you through this." I know he is being kind but nothing can help me through this. I just need to be with Dom. All I want is for Dom to be here with me. To help raise Serena. She needs her father. I need her father. Not wanting to be rude, I just nod my head before giving an unconvincing smile.

The doctors told me that I had fractured a few bones in my wrist. They put a cast on it so it could heal properly. It has to stay on for six weeks before I come in to see them again. I'm not allowed to do any heavy lifting. Exactly what I need right now.

 Once we make it to my home, Mia and Brian are waiting with my daughter. She is currently asleep in the baby stroller. I smile when I see how peaceful she looks. Her lips are slightly parted and tiny little snores come from her mouth. She is just so cute.

"Are you going to be okay?" Mia asks, gesturing to my wrist. I just nod my head before getting Serena out of her stroller. I cradle her in my arms, careful not to hurt my wrist. Good thing she is only four months old so she is a light weight.

"How long has she been asleep?" I ask, before kissing her forehead lightly. She stirs slightly before making a sucking noise. 

"About thirty minutes. She passed out before we left the house." Brian says, before watching Serena. "I can take her to her crib." Nodding my head, I give Serena to Brian. "Vince, can I talk to you?" Vince looks at me before following Brian to her room. Mia walks over to me and gives me a hug.

"I am so sorry." Mia pulls away, before I give her a questioning look. Noticing this, she speaks. "Vince texted me while you were getting your wrist checked... He told me you thought you saw Dom?" It was more of a question than a statement. I sigh before sitting down on the couch, Mia doing the same.

"When we were passing by this house, I saw this man and woman playing with their daughter outside. I got to thinking about Dom and how he isn't here." Tears slide down my face, but I continue. "And when I looked back at them, I saw Dom. Or at least I thought I did. My body took control of me and next thing I know, I am shoving this man and accusing him of leaving me. It wasn't him, Mia." I sob out before Mia pulls me into her arms. She rubs my back in circles, trying to find a way to comfort me. "He's never coming back." I tell her, but another part of me was trying to tell myself that. 

I just don't want it to be true.

That is it for this chapter! Let me know what you guys think! If I get enough votes and comments, I will update faster! As you can see, Serena had the most votes. Thank you guys for your opinion! I appreciate the feedback! Was this chapter long enough? Too long? Too short? Or does it need to be longer? Let me know what you guys think! I love you all so much! I will dedicate someone in the next chapter! Whoever shows the most love will be picked:)

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