Chapter Thirteen

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Letty's POV

Seconds felt like days and days felt like weeks. It's driving me crazy to be inside this room. The only time Vince let's me out is when I have to take a shower since I don't have one in here. Other than that, food is brought to me and I already have a toilet in here to use if I need to go. I hate that there's camera's in here. I have no privacy what so ever. I don't know how long I have been locked up in here but it feels like it has been a month already when in reality it's probably only been a week. 

I just want to find out why I'm here and why I lost my memory. I know how I lost it but I want to know why. Maybe it was an accident because Vince still doesn't believe that I didn't know Serena's my daughter. I know she's my daughter now but I don't believe Vince is her father. Every time I give her back to him she starts screaming at the top of my lungs. It breaks my heart knowing that she wants to stay with me but she can't. Last time I refused to give her up, I got punished for it.

I can't do anything to get out of here and to get my daughter out of here if I get beat to death. There's still a gash up in the corner of my forehead from where some guy that looks to be in his mid forties had hit me. He looks familiar as if I have seen him from somewhere but I can't figure it out. So most of the time, I just try and shut my brain off and not think about anything but it's hard to do that.

The past four times I went to sleep, I dreamed about this white house with a garage that has a black Charger parked in it. Every time I get close to the door of the house to open it, I wake up from my dream. I try so hard not to wake up but it happens. I want to get to that door and open it to see what's inside. Maybe it's the answers to my questions. Or maybe that's where all my memories are stored and I just can't get to it.

My thoughts vanish into thin air when I hear slight hushed voices coming from the other side of the door. I can see two shadows under the door where there's a slight crack. I can't tell what they are saying but it almost sounds like they are arguing. Curiosity getting the best of me, I walk quietly to the door and put my ear against it so I can hear their conversation.

"That's not what we agreed on!" It's Vince's voice and he sounds slightly aggravated. What did they not agree on? There's an agreement? 

"Do what I say, son." The other guy says through gritted teeth. He's the one that looks familiar but I don't know why. I never did figure out his name. I asked Vince who he was but he never would give me an answer. He said I already knew who it was and for me to stop acting like I don't know anything. It pisses me off when he accuses me of lying about losing my memory. Who would pretend to not remember their daughter?

"I'm not doing that to her! She just had Serena not too long ago." Vince's voice gets slightly louder this time. 

"You either impregnate Letty or I beat her until she is dead. If she doesn't carry your child, I'll have no reason to have her here. Now do it tonight. Or she won't live to see tomorrow morning." One set of footsteps walk away from the door as I stand there in shock and a part of me is even scared. They can't do that! No! I'm not ready to have a kid. I can't. Not like this and definitely not here. I want to have a baby with someone I love. Not with someone I don't know.

I back away from the door slowly, tears in my eyes. I don't want Vince to touch me. I don't want this to happen. Please, someone help me out of here. My body starts shaking as I sit down on the bed. This isn't right. I'm not going to let Vince anywhere near me tonight, let alone touch me in any kind of way. I will do everything I can to get away from here and to get my daughter out of here. 

I get a bad feeling in the low pit of my stomach. I don't feel safe here. I never did. I need to get out of here. 

Mia's POV

It's been a week and a half since we have been searching for Letty with no luck. We can't find her anywhere. I've barley had any sleep this past week and it doesn't help that I keep feeling nauseous. I don't even think Dom has slept at all. He's always gone, never home. I'm worried about him. I've never seen him like this. The only time he talks to me and Brian is when he wants to know if we have any leads on Letty and Serena. 

I miss them so much. I'm trying everything that I can to try and find my best friend and my little niece. I will never be able to forgive myself if we never find them. I should of came sooner to the house. I know Dom blames me for Letty and his daughter being missing. I can see it in his eyes when he looks at me. 

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Brian comes up behind me and rubs my shoulders making me close my eyes at the contact. 

"Is that even a question?" I sadly ask, sighing as my eyes stare a hole through the computer screen as I try and see if any of the cameras in the city caught who took Letty and Serena. I've been looking at this screen for the past five hours and so far I've had no luck. 

"Why don't you take a break, Mia. You've been staring at the screen for hours. You need to get some rest and eat something while you're at it." He turns me around in the chair so I'm facing him. 

"I can't do that, Brian. Dom blames me for what happened to her and Serena. I can see it written all over his face. And I don't blame him for feeling that way." I run my hands over my face, trying to keep myself awake. It's currently four in the morning. I've been up since yesterday morning at six, not being able to sleep. 

"Mia, it's not your fault that they are missing. You couldn't of known that it was going to happen. Don't beat yourself up over it. Dom's just going through a tough time. He can't find the girl he loves and his daughter. He's not going to give up until he finds them. I don't know how I would react if it was you missing." He leans down and places his lips on top of my head before pulling me up out of the chair and into his arms. I wrap my arms around his back, enjoying the feeling of his warm embrace.

"I can't stop looking for them. I have to keep looking. For them. For Dom. For us. I miss them like crazy and I just have to find them. I can't sleep knowing they are not here and safe. They could be anywhere in this world by now because of how long it has been since they came up missing." I mentally sigh, thinking about where they might be.

"We will find them, Mia. I promise. Wherever Letty is, I know she won't let anything happen to that baby girl. Right now, you need to sleep and take your mind off of it for a little bit. I will look at this screen for hours so you can fall asleep knowing that they're still being looked for. Okay?" 

"Okay...Goodnight. I love you." I lean up and place a quick kiss on his lips.

"I love you too." 

I walk into our room and close the door. I look into the mirror to see bags under my eyes from lack of sleep. I put my hair up into a bun and walk to the bed to lay down. 

"Where are you, Letty?"

Letty's POV

I'm facing the other way in bed with my eyes closed to make it look like I am sleeping. I'm getting out of here one way or another. For Serena's sake and mine. I'm not about to be pregnant while locked up. The sound of the door creaking open makes my heart rate speed up. 

"Letty." It's Vince's voice, and I can hear the sound of his footsteps coming closer to me. "Time to wake up."

Here goes everything.

CLIFFHANGER!!! I know, you probably hate me:) Is she going to get away and save herself and Serena?? Guess you will have to wait till the next chapter to find out! Let me know what you think of this chapter. I greatly appreciate everyone's feedback. I will update faster if I get eleven votes and at least seven comments! I love you guys so much for supporting my book!:)

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