Chapter 6

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Letty's POV

It has been a month since my car accident, and even longer since I last seen Vince. He hasn't tried to contact me in any way. It kind of worries me. What if he goes all psycho and like becomes an axe murderer? The thought of it scares me, but I don't see Vince doing that. He helped me in so many ways, and he loved Serena. Can love make a person go on a psycho rage if they can't have what they love? Let's hope not.

On a side note, Dom has been so great. He's been helping out with Serena. It still seems so unreal that he is back. On the other hand, I can't help but feel like he is going to leave me alone again. For two weeks, when I would wake up to see Dom not in bed, I would have a mini panic attack. Fear surrounding me that he left me again. I hated that feeling. But the next two weeks wasn't so bad. I got used to waking up with him not in bed. I know that he is either taking a shower or making breakfast for me and him.

Last week, I got to take my cast off. My wrist healed quickly. I wanted to go back to work but Dom insisted that I wait a week just to be on the safe side. I feel so much better about everything. I have been itching to go back to working on cars. 

"Are you excited to go back to work?" Dom asks, kissing my neck slightly. We are currently laying in bed because we woke up too early. Which is fine by me because I love talking to Dom in the mornings. 

"Very. You know you don't have to go with me to work. I will be fine. You can spend the day with our daughter." I suggest, before slowly getting out of bed. I already feel cold but I deal with it.

"I don't mind. Maybe I can work on a car while I am there. Besides, I want to make sure you are safe. I don't want to risk anything happening to you." Dom gets up himself, before slipping on a pair of jeans and a white shirt. Not really feeling a shower, I just slip on a pair of tan leather pants, a white tank top, and my brown leather jacket to go over it. My hair is thrown up into a pony tie before I slip my black boots on. 

I feel Dom's arms wrap around me before his lips stop near my ear. I can feel his breath hit my neck, making goosebumps appear on my arms.

"Have I ever told you how sexy you look in your brown leather pants?" Dom's voice leaves me catching my breath. I turn around before wrapping my arms around his neck.

"No, I don't believe you have." I smile, before pressing my lips against his. I feel his hands cup my ass before lifting me up. My legs instantly wrap around his waist as he deepens the kiss. His tongue grazes my bottom lip causing me to moan. Taking advantage, he slips his tongue in my mouth before battling for dominance. 

" is calling my name." Dom sets me down on my own two feet before grabbing his keys. After getting a passed out Serena in her car seat, we head to the shop. 

"Ooo I love this song!" I turn the music up a little louder, before singing along to the lyrics. 

Body like a back road, drivin' with my eyes closed
I know every curve like the back of my hand
Doin' 15 in a 30, I ain't in no hurry
I'mma take it slow just as fast as I can  

"Has anyone ever told you, you sound like a dying donkey when you sing." Dom jokes, causing me to glare at him. 

"Has anyone ever told you no." I cross my arms before smirking. When he realizes what I'm talking about, he chuckles.

"You wouldn't be able to say no to me, I promise you that." Dom winks at me before looking me over. I feel my cheeks flush before looking out the window.


Once we get to the shop, I jump out of the car before running inside the garage. I run my hands over the project I have been working on. 

"I missed you." I kiss the hood of the car before hugging it. I can hear Dom's footsteps come up behind me but I don't move.

"Do you two need a room." I can see him smiling when he says this. I turn around and look at him with Serena in his arms before smirking. (I know a baby shouldn't be in a car shop but it's my story:) )

"Would you be jealous." I challenge.

"Over a car...nah. But another guy touching my girl, that's a different story." Dom's playfulness turns serious. I feel my cheeks get warm when he calls me his girl. Dom sets Serena in her play pin that I have up here from before. He slowly walks over to me making me step back. The back of my legs hit the front of the car, stopping me. Dom stops when his body is flush against mine. I push him away before pointing my finger at him.

"I have a car I need to work on. You are a distraction." I look him over before meeting his eyes again. I shake my head before turning around to work on the car.

"1969 Chevrolet Camaro Yenko." Dom says, looking the car over. I smile before lifting the hood.

"Not my favorite but it's not bad." I have been working on this car for a few months. It's almost finished and I can't wait to test her out.

About thirty minutes later, Serena wakes up crying. Dom picks her up before bouncing her up and down but she continues to cry.

"I think someone is hungry." Dom says, before walking to the car. He grabs her bottle of milk before giving it to her. I would feed her but I'm sweaty and I have grease all over me. I watch as Dom feeds her while swaying her back and forth. He has the biggest smile on his face as he talks to our daughter. I smile at the sight before going back to work on the engine. 

"Are you hungry? I can go get something to eat." Dom offers, putting Serena back in her playpen. 

"I could use a bite. Thank you." I kiss him on the lips for a second before pulling away.

"Do you want me to take Serena?"

"No, it's okay. I can watch her." I smile before Dom gets in the car and leaves. A part of me is scared that he isn't going to come back but I shove those thoughts away. Dom wouldn't leave me again. Especially since he knows he has a daughter. Or at least I hope so. As I am working on the car, I hear the rumble of a muscle car but it isn't Dom's Charger. It's someone else. I turn around before gasping. He gets out of the car before walking over to me.

"Vince, what are you doing here?" I ask, before looking over at Serena cautiously. 

CLIFFHANGER!!!! Another short chapter, I am sorry! I promise the next chapter will be longer! I need y'alls opinion on what you guys want to see in this story! Only one person answered! I need several more peeps to answer. After all, I am writing this for you guys. So let me know! Vote and comment!

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