Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Unedited.
Hope you'll like this book. Please don't dare to plagiarize my work so that we'll be good friends. Everything, including characters, places and names are product of my imagination. This is a work of fiction.

Chelcea Tan (Half american, half filipina)

The sun is taking its place above the calm bluish sky with scattered puffy clouds, giving me the motivation to rise and shine. Here in States, people are very eager when it comes to work so I am used to wake up early in the morning. Well, I'll be flying to Philippines to visit my mother and my sister and I am very excited to see them. I'm done packing my things last night and I'll only bring my indigo, medium-sized jansport bag and my red longchamp bag. When I woke up, I put my silver-framed eyeglasses for me to see things clearly, since I am a lawyer here, I am used to read a thousand books and it ended up damaging my eyes then I comb my long and straight chocolate brown hair, I opened my window and I can see the beauty of this country. I lived in New York City, in an apartment above my office. By God's grace, I was able to start studying Political Science when I was 17 and I took up Law when I was 21, I graduated when I turned 25 and now, here I am hired by the one who supported me to raise my self and our family from poverty, I really strive hard because my mother and my sister are laying their back on me since my american father leave and abandoned us when I was still a child so I need to work hard so that I can provide their needs, my sister will graduate after 5 months in a famous university in the Philippines, she took up Political Science too, but she told me that she just want to be a college proffesor and not a lawyer, well that's her decision so I supported her, while Nelly, my mother just stay at home and takecare of our house and prepare things for my little sister Alison. I am really ready for her graduation. We are not very rich, we are just capable of eating three times a day and buy proper clothes and this is all because of Mr. Rojeth Mirasol, the one who helped me in my studies, he supported me emotionally,physically, and especially financially.He is a 56-year old lawyer here in States and he is well known due to his good deeds and charity program, also he is an intelligent lawyer who haven't been defeated, all the case that he handle has a hundred percent sure of winning. As the time goes by, he is getting older and older but still he is strong and he really strive hard to practice a healthy lifestyle because he told me that he wants to reach the age of one hundred.

I'm in the plane now and within few minutes it will fly above the sky and will soon land in my hometown, Philippines.I am seated next to this moodless guy with a poker face wearing a black tuxedo and a silver eyeglasses like mine, hair well-combed and looking shiny, he look so neat and attractive and I bet he is a businessman, attended a business meeting here in States, well, I don't care. After very long hours, finally I am so happy to see Philippines again. My mother and sister knew that I'm going home and I was shocked that they're not here in airport, I wondered why, I just put in mind that maybe they have some important things to do. I went in a restaurant first, after a long travel,I need to eat a lot. Afterwards, I decided to grab a taxi, then I felt the excitement and joy, I really can't wait. I really missed them after long years that we didn't see each other. In the middle of my ride, mom called me, I was shocked.

"Yes mom? I'm very near, I'll be there after 10 minutes" I joyfully greeted her but she sob, she is crying, tears of joy? but no, I can feel the hurt "Cheng..." she called me by my nickname, something's wrong and I can't think of any clue. "Mom, I am worried, what's the problem?" I asked her with a monotonous voice so that she can tell me what is wrong but she didn't, she just ended the call and I am clueless now. After 15 minutes, I am now in front of our house, when I went out of the taxi, I've seen two police cars and I bet everything is not going fine.

I pressed the door bell and my fingers are vibrating, I don't know why but my heart felt like something's really wrong here.When my mom open the small gate I can sense her sadness and grieve in her eyes, I can see it in her face. "Mom, why are you crying? what's the problem?"she just hugged me so tight and I can feel her sorrow. She didn't answer my question, I lead her towards our balcony then I saw 3 personnels, 2 policemen and a detective, I knew it through their clothes. I move my head and raise my eyebrow to the detective, a sign of asking him what's going on. "Ms. Tan, sorry to tell you this, but your sister died just a week ago.." My knees are vibrating and all my nerves are rising, my hands are so cold, I cried outloud and tighten my hug to my mother, "Mom... why!? Who the hell did this to my sister!? No.. Alison!! Where is she? Shit!" I am in trouble now.

When I realized that I need to be strong for my mom, I suddenly disciplined my emotions and I managed to wipe off my tears. "Detective, where is my sister? Anyways, I am Attorney Chelcea Tan" I gave them my hand. "I am Detective Joseph and I am assigned to handle the case of your sister." "We'll be working this together, Detective, I will fight for my sister." he smiled at me, I just can't smile back like the hell, I am emotionally unstable now. I calmed my mother and bring her to our room, then I talked to Detective Joseph about the things that we need to do.

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