Chapter 2

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Chapter 3. Unedited.

Atty. Chelcea's point of view

I can't believe this, I can't take this but I have to. Even if it's hard, even if it tear me apart. What the hell, I just came home to visit them, to hug them and to kiss them but I can't hug and kiss my little sister now, cause she's dead. I talked to Detective Joseph before I let them go, "So Detective, when are we going to start investigating?" I asked him "Actually Atty. Tan, we already started it 3 days after your sister died. We have now our first suspect and we are carefully handling this case because he is not just an ordinary person, he is a son of a billionaire." I want to punch the detective at that moment for saying those words, I don't fucking care if he's a billionaire, I just want to seek justice for my sister. I am ready to do anything just to let that person pay his debt. "Well Detective, even he is the richest man in the world, he can't scare me because I am a woman of justice and I will do anything just to let the truth be revealed!" I am now talking to him like I'm an angry lion, well I am not angry I am just irritated. "I like that spirit Miss Attorney. Just maintain it and together, we will be able to seek who killed your sister" he looked at me like he was a 2-year old smiling child who recently received a reward from his parents

"Anyway, I'll introduce my self again Miss Tan, I am a private detective, Joseph Alexes, 27 years old, I am working at Alexes' Justice Inc., my father's company and I was assigned by my father to take this case because he is the owner of the university where this case happened." Oh, he is a rich man, and the way he introduced himself was very formal, he is inviting me to have a formal conversation. He gave me an it's-your-turn sign then I cough for a while and formally introduced my self. "Nice to know that Detective Joseph, I am Chelcea Tan, a lawyer, working at New York City in Mirasol's Court House and I am a defender." I was shocked on how he gave me a big eyes, a sign that he was shocked, "Do you mean that you're working at Mr. Rojeth Mirasol?" He asked me like he knew who Mr. Rojeth is, well I guess he does but he painted a disgusted face and I wonder why " Yeah, actually he's the one who helped me in my studies and gave me a job" he heaved a sigh then looked at me like something's wrong " This is a big disaster Attorney Tan" I am confused why but I can't think of some reasons "Why detective?" He get something from his bag, it is a black case and he opened it then he showed me the image of Mr. Mirasol labeled as the uncle of his first suspect. No way, as far as I knew, the only family of Mr. Rojeth are the Martinez', my head is aching now, does he mean that one of the Martinez killed my sister? This can't be. "Atty. Tan, if Mr. Rojeth Mirasol raised you, then this will ne a big disaster because our first suspect is Mr. Kent Martinez, the brother of the CEO of Martinez' House and he is the nephew of Mr. Mirasol." Oh no, this is really a big disaster for me, knowing that since then, Mr. Mirasol is a family-oriented kind of person and the Martinez' are close to his heart but how about me? I need to seek justice for my sister, I hope that he'll understand my situation. "What should we do Mr. Detective?" I am really disappointed. "This case will be hard to solve, we are young professionals but I am not underestimating our strength, we must be able to create a perfect plan Attorney, or else we will be trap." I can see that he is a wise and critical detective but I can't deny the fact that someway, somehow, I can be in a very difficult situation where I should face a very hard decision. "Alright Detective Joseph, I am trusting you, and I hope that we will win this case" I gave him my hand as a sign of contract for this case, then he accepted it. "We will win Attorney".

Detective Joseph's point of view

Poor little lawyer, she doesn't have any clues at all. I was assigned by my uncle  to clean up the mess of my stupid cousin, I am here to perfectly lose the case of her sister, I can't let my cousin be sentenced to death, no way. He had been my best buddy and the fact that we are relative gives me the motivation to do this. I told her that Kent, my cousin is my first suspect so that I can easily handle everything but the little problem was that she is so strong and I bet she will not just easily give up. She is a strong woman but she can't defeat me, I am a lawyer too and not a detective, I just let her see my fake bio for her to believe me and I succeed, first step is done. Actually, my real name is Joseph Martinez, the father of Kent and my father are brothers and I don't want that one of the Martinez will live at jail forever. She will experience a very hopeless situation, given the fact that uncle Rojeth is the one who helped her in her studies, uncle Rojeth is the half brother of my father but they were having a nice relationship and I am pretty sure that uncle won't help her, I am planning to tell uncle that he will assign Chelcea to be the defender of Kent, so that the game would be very funny and hopeless in her case. 

"Kent, no need to worry, I'm pretty sure that we will win this case, we just need the cooperation of uncle Rojeth" I am in their mansion and I decided to tell him about how things will go on.

"Thank you buddy, I will give you your reward after we'll win this case" he painted a smirk and I am very excited because of the reward. A reward that I am waiting for a long time, a reward that will fulfill my cravings, he told me that if I'll win this case he will help me to own the adopted daughter of her mother who passed away many years ago, he will help me to taste and make love with Esther, their adopted sister, he really doesn't care about Esther that's why I asked him to help me find ways on how to forcely have a sex with her.

Chelcea's point of view

"Hello Detective?, yeah, good day" Early in the morning I was awakened by my loud ringtone, Detective Joseph called me, "Oh okay, I'll be there for about 25 minutes, just wait for me" I rushed to the bathroom and prepared my things rapidly, he told me to go to his office because he found new evidence. When I entered his office, I saw him with Mr. Rojeth Mirasol.

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