Show preparation

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'Alright we have 10 weeks until the show which is also our graduation, and the week after that is the prom, so we need to start our preparation now,' Yuto instructed. That was the end of the day so we took off and continue tomorrow.


Yuto came to school early but Ruri came earlier and already writing lyrics on the piano for the songs for the show which is gonna happen soon. 'Morning,' Yuto greeted. 'Morning,' Ruri replied. Yuto took a cup of tea, sat next to Ruri and started to play one of the songs as practice.


'Bravo, bravo, this show will be the best for all of us, we just need you two to learn all the songs that you need for the whole show,' Yuto instructed. 'But you two are just wonderful your voices are gonna really get the audiences' attention!' Yuto shouted. 'Well this wouldn't be happening if it weren't for you Yuto,' I replied. 'She's right Yuto. None of this would have happened if it weren't for you,' Yusaku added. 'Well I'm glad you two are apart of this that's for sure,' Yuto replied. We got distracted by one of our annoying classmates who really doesn't care about anything but herself and has a massive crush on Yusaku, Billie Evans. 'What do you mean I don't have enough joy inside myself. I have plenty of joy inside myself!' she shouted. 'Yusaku! I haven't seen you since I last saw you at the mall!' Billie shouted while running up to Yusaku. 'Sorry Billie I'm in the middle of practice with my friends for the show coming in ten weeks, (y/n) and I have to practice all the songs that Ruri wrote for this show and we already have all the parts we need so we don't need anyone else to join,' Yusaku replied. Billie was disappointed that I took Yusaku away from her then she said, 'Well I was just wondering if I can go to the prom with you since I'm still available for someone to ask,' but unfortunately for her Yusaku replied, ' I'm afraid you're gonna have to ask someone else because I'm already taken by someone who stole my heart 11 years ago.' I must say he is pretty good when it comes to this girl because she had her mouth dropped wide open and left. I don't feel bad for her at all because she deserved that for her own good. 'Well let's start on "Everyday". I already have a plan right off my head. So (y/n) you go on the stage where we have that replica of a front porch and Yusaku you go on this allyl and start walking when you start singing. After Yusaku done his second bit you,(y/n), have to come out of the front door as you sing. You guys got it?' Yuto asked. 'Clear as a bell!' Yusaku and I replied. 'Well let's start!' Yuto instructed. We went into position then Yuto shouted, 'Hit it Ruri!'

Once in a lifetime means there's no second chance
So I believe that you and me should grab it while we can

Make it last forever and never give it back

It's our turn and I'm loving where we're at

Because this moment's really all we have

Everyday of our lives

Wanna find you there wanna hold on tight

Gonna run

While we're young and keep the faith


From right now
Gonna use our voices and scream out loud

Take my hand

Together we
Will celebrate


Oh everyday

They say that you should follow

And chase down what you dream

But if you get lost and lose yourself

What does it really mean

No matter where we're going

Oh yeah it's from where we are

There's more to life

When we listen to our hearts
And because of your I've got the strength to start
Yeah, yeah, yeah, everyday from right now
Wanna find you there

Wanna hold on tight

Gonna run while we're young and keep the faith

From right now

Gonna use our voices and scream out loud
Take my hand


We will celebrate

Oh everyday

We're taking it back and doing it in here together

It's better like and stronger now then ever

I'm not gonna lose

Cause we get to choose
That's how it's gonna be

Everyday of our lives

Wanna find you there wanna hold on tight

Gonna run
While we're young

And keep the faith
Keep the faith

Everyday of our lives
Wanna find you there wanna hold on tight
Gonna run
While we're young and keep the faith
Everyday from right now
Gonna use our voices and scream out loud
Take my hand
Together we will celebrate

(Can't be bothered to write the little ending but you know what I mean)

'Perfect!' Yuto shouted, 'If we keep this up then this show will be the best that Den City High could ask for! And it's all thanks to you two.' After that practice I really wanted to stay with Yusaku but I kinda doubt that but that's when Yusaku asked, 'Hey (y/n) can you help me with the Waltz again cause I'm still a rookie,' fortunately I accepted the offer and helped him on the roof where we first dance. 'By the way (y/n) can you sing while we dance again and use the same song please?' Yusaku asked. 'Sure but you have to sing along with me if you want the same song,' I replied. 'I know,' Yusaku replied.

YU-GI-OH Vrains High School Musical (Yuasku x reader )Where stories live. Discover now