Moving day

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~Moving day~

( Finn's pov )

Today is the day that I move for the third time this year, I feel like I've been the new boy more than I can count on one hand. My parents move
A lot for work and said that this time we will have a chance to stay here longer. So I better make some temporary friends for the rest of the time I have here. The removal trucks have just left and it's time to leave. Mum locked the front door and whispered goodbye to the house, she gets so attached to these crappy rentals. I grab my head phones and jump in the back seat, I listen to my favourite song, ( my kind of women ) wind down the window and as we drive through the town I look at all the buildings for the last time before we live somewhere else. I enjoyed it here but after lunch time it turns into a ghost town and I like a lively town. Fast forward 5 hours we arrive in this town which sorta seems to be really nice. As we drive through the streets, my mum points out what looks like a town fair being set up and says what a perfect thing to do for our first night here. I don't see any point in going if I can't go on any rides with the friends I don't have yet.

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