The girl

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~ The girl ~

( Finn's pov )

We pull up at this small white house with a tufty grass nature strip out front, it's not much but it is perfect for us, mum says. I roll my eyes and give her a small smile. The moving trucks with all of our belongings pull up and start unpacking. Mum tells me to go upstairs and pick which bedroom I want.  I run up the stairs and go into the first room I see, it's perfect already. There is a small closet on one wall and a window looking into the neighbours window on another. I froze when I saw a pretty girl walk past the window, I don't know what to do but I try to get a better look, I can't see anything and I'm about to go down stairs when I hear a knock on the window. It's the girl from next door, she's trying to tell me to meet her outside, I nod my head but wonder what on earth for. I make my way outside the front of the house and am surprised to see that her mum and my mum are already talking, I also see the girl standing there. I walk up to her and before I could even say anything she says hey I'm Y/N. She reaches for my hand and gently shakes it, and you are, she says. Finn I say, I'm new. I know that's why I thought we could ride our bikes down to the town fair and get to know each other, we can't have you walking around alone now can we, she says. My mum steps in behind me and says what a great idea. I nod and walk to get my bike as Y/N does the same.

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