I don't care

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I don't care
( Y/n pov )

So I woke up this morning and wile I got ready I thought about the amazing day I had with Finn yesterday. When ever I'm with him I just feel so happy.i head out side grab my bike and then see little Finn ride over to my front porch. I'm so happy to see him, we ride to school and when we get there he walk up to his friends I stay close behind but not standing with him, I over hear there conversation about how I'm Finn's girlfriend. I immediately turn read and then I hear one of them call me a scum bag and I just had no idea what I was doing but I ran away into the bath room I could hear Finn calling my name but as soon as the bell went he when's to class, maybe I over reacted but ever since year seven they have always picked on me and when ever they walk fast they call me names and the last thing I wanted was for Finn to find out I think he is the only one that sees me as someone amazing, he always tells me I am anyway. I stay in the bathroom all first period, I spend every second thinking what to do, I hear the bell ring and I wait a few minutes till the locker room is free and then head to my locker as I turn the corner I see Finn waiting at my locker I walk over to him and he immediately jumps up and hugged me and starts saying sorry over and over again. I pull away and say 'it wasn't your fault and I over reacted.' He says ' no it's my fault I should have asked you if that is what you planned all I wanted was to tell them and we could live happily ever after.'   ' yeah' I say back.  ' well why can't we why are we letting the dick stop us, just wait until lunch' he says we both sit together till the end of break then we have to go to class, I sit in class the whole time feeling so nervous about what Finn might do or more importantly what the popular might do.  Before I know it the lunch bell rings I take my time getting out of class, then as I get out I see Finn standing there waiting for me. He grabs one hand and says trust me. We walk into the locker room and see the populars. Suddenly everything becomes a blur and the next thing I know Finn is yelling ' I don't care!' Over and over. There is so much yelling going on, ' I don't care what you all say I love her and I'm going to continue dating her so get used to it' Finn says loud and clear. A teacher starts to approach so we all run away with Finn still holding my hand. As soon as we don't see any populars or teachers I give Finn the biggest kiss and say thanks. 'Even after all the fighting they are your friends right' I say 'not anymore he says, I was thinking of joining chess club anyways.' We both laugh.

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