Chapter 1

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Nastasia's POV:


*Groaning* I dragged my body out of the bed, scratching my back and pressing my swollen lips together. Dragging my feet to the bathroom, I winced when the lights turned on. I hate Mondays. I hate how messy my hair was on Mondays than any other days, and how people at work were crankier than any other day, or how much earlier I have to wake up just to open the diner on Mondays. I mean, who likes Mondays? If you do, then I guess you're cool for being different or what not. 

I got into the warm shower and bathed to what felt like an endless loving waterfall hug that warmed me and my body. I never wanted to step out. Then I did. Since, it was still September and I didn't have to go to my lecture hall until ten today, I decided to put effort in my outfit. I put on my favorite black short sleeve turtleneck shirt, light denim overalls, white low top sneakers, and a black over-larged cardigan. I decided to leave my hair in a messy bun since I wasn't in any mood to deal with it. 

I made a fresh pot of roasted coffee, bacon, eggs, and toast while taking a shot of ginger

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I made a fresh pot of roasted coffee, bacon, eggs, and toast while taking a shot of ginger. My mother was still sleeping in from last night. They celebrated the tenth anniversary of the beauty shop, and it surprisingly still being opened all these years. She didn't come in until three in the morning. Managing to still have time, I put out fresh fruit on the Buddhist statue my mother decided to buy and converge into. I still don't understand the concept of it, and I grandly told her I'd stick to our old Christian ways. She told me, that I'd be better off doing Buddhism, since I needed the stress-relief.  But I brushed off that comment months ago. 

Leaving, I said goodbye to Valor, our old ginger cat, and grabbed my bag. It was a black hole filled with relevant and irrelevant objects that got me through my day. As well as my phone, keys, and wallet. Since, I didn't know how to drive, (I mean I'm an okay driver but what's the point of driving in NYC) I still carried around my license. It was in case any cops wanted to stop and frisk me, like they always do. I walked to the diner, "Cherry's" where I worked at. That place was where I got my first job. I don't think I'd work anywhere else. Everyone there is my second family.  Especially Harvey, he's like my second father. He is also the owner and cook at the diner. But since he developed trust and witnessed me mature more, he gave me the responsibility to open the diner on Mondays and close the diner on Fridays. 

I stopped at the diner and unlocked the dew filled glass doors. I walked into the ghost like room and turned on the lights. It was still kinda dark out since it was 6:34 in the morning. I went to the jukebox, and played my favorite song, "Love and Happiness" by Al Green. I tied around my apron and inserted some straws and napkins into the pockets. Additionally, I was fixing my name tag that had a rainbow sticker still on it. Only five minutes pass by and Harvey and his son, Omar came in. 

"Morning." I said as I placed the cups and plates behind the counter. They greeted back and placed on their aprons. Harvey went straight to the kitchen and began cooking, humming along with the lyrics. 

"You look fashionable." Omar added while hinting some sarcasm. I rolled my eyes and just threw my rag at him.  He chuckled and went off to dry the coffee pots. The door bell rang as that only meant customers were entering. They were only the construction workers who always come every morning for coffee and breakfast. 

"Hey fellows," I said as I had the coffee pot ready in my left while my right carried the creamer. Omar placed coffee mugs to all four of them as the sat the counter waiting for their meals. "Still working on Thumbill Street?" 

"Yeah and it's a fucking disaster!" Greg said as he sipped his coffee. Me and Omar eyed each other, holding in our laughter. When Greg spoke he had the most iconic New York accent you could ever hear. It was undeniably funny. 

"Must be." Omar added as he leaned against the railing behind the counter. He faced them as he talked about the football game that happened last night. Me, on the other had greeted the other customers that entered. I happen to actually do my job. Omar just flirted and served the customers that seemed easy to get through. I did the hard labor. As well as all the other servers did.

- 4 Hours Passed -

Then the jukebox played my all-time favorite song. Somehow, magically, Lamar walked in at the perfect moment, looking all cute and stuff. His looks almost made me drop the handful of menus I was holding. I mean, it's not like I still have have a major crush on him, but still, he can still take my breath away. I make my way over to him, to take his order, but of course Omar had to cock block me. I can't stand him sometimes. But I still went over to him to say hi, since the last time I saw Lamar was in high, during graduation, which was literally a year ago. 

"Hey, Lamar." I said while running my fingers through my hair. He winked at me and I blushed really badly. Like I think you could redness through my dark skin. His eyes were dark and beautiful, the perfect skin tone of rich brown, unique curly like hair and the nicest smile you'll ever see on this Earth.

 His eyes were dark and beautiful, the perfect skin tone of rich brown, unique curly like hair and the nicest smile you'll ever see on this Earth

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  "You know you're shift ended like five minutes ago. You're going to be late if you want to get to the NYU class on time." Omar mentioned but I was still lost in Lamar's looks.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Bye." I said as I waved to the both of them. I took off my apron and hung it behind the counter. I grabbed my book bag and cardigan and exited the diner. I didn't have another shift until six o'clock tonight. I was about to leave when Defene jumped out of nowhere and scared me. 

"Jesus! You know I have pepper spray right? I could've maced you." I said as I placed my hand on my chest.

"I know, and I just saw drooling over Lamar through the window. You know, it was really tragic. Like super." She said as she wrapped her arm around mine. I rolled my eyes and held onto her arm.

"I hate you, you know."

"Yes, I love you, too." She said as she kissed my cheek.

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