I chose...

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Michael's class rolled around faster than I hopped. Dragging my feet I made my way to his class. My feet pulled my body around the corner. My eyes met Michael's as I fully came around. Inwardly rolling my eyes I slowed my walk.
"Ms. Johnson if you walk any slower you will be late for class." He said.
Maybe it'll be just like one of the stories in my little black book. I'm late for class and he bends me over his desk and spanks me. Wishful thinking I suppose. I walked a little faster not dragging my feet anymore.
I finally got to the door where Jackson stood awaiting his answer.
"So with giving great thought I decided to shadow you." I said walking into the class.
Finding Joy I plopped down next to her.
"Damn girl he beat it up that good?" She whispered smiling.
Inwardly rolling my eyes I pulled out my notebooks. I payed attention for about half the class then moved to my black book. This time I fantasized about what his office looked like. Once his last client of the day left we sat comparing notes he behind his desk in a bid swivel chair while I lean on the desk.
Distracted by his perfect jaw line I got nothing from his notes. Swiftly I moved on his lap grinding against him. His big soft hands rub up my thigh as I work to unbutton his shirt. One long slim finger sliding up my pussy from the outside of my panties. Getting his shirt off I tangle my hands in his luscious curls.
The friction of my panties against my pussy only aggravating me. Michael lifted me up and sat me on the desk removing my panties. His finger played in my wetness as I struggled to unbutton my blouse. His almond eyes looked at mine as he lowered his face to me dripping center.
His tongue slid up my —
"Yazmin." Michael said inches away from me.
I looked around and the classroom was empty. No Joy, no random adults lingering around with questions, not even that girl from the first class that might like Michael. I am going to kill Joy.
"I um.. I was so lost in the lecture I had to get the last bit of what you said." I pieced my words together. His eyes looked down at my little black book. Slamming it I shoved it in my bag and started to pack.
"So Yazmin I'm curious, what made you choose to shadow me?" He asked his voice had a hint of something I could not detect.
Packing the rest of my things I thought of a lie.
"Well Mr.Jackson, you already know my interest and background dealing with psychology and having to shadow someone new means explaining all of that over again. That just wastes time that could be use to do something predictive." I informed. Like riding your dick. I thought to myself.
"Okay Yazmin. You can shadow me. I'll have you start next week on Monday. By that time I'll know what clients won't mind you sitting in on their session."
"Sounds like a plan Mr.Jackson. Now if you don't mind I have to go find Joy." I said putting my hand out to him.
"Yazmin we will be working very closely together. As I said before. There are some occasions that I stay at my office late so be very prepared for that. And I'm more of a hugger." He said pulling me into his embrace.
He smelled like the sweet vanilla smell I didn't know I missed until now. His big hands molded to my hips perfectly as the hug got tighter. His soft curls brushed past my nose tickling it. I giggled and he pulled away looking at me funny.
"Your curl touched my nose." I said smiling before walking away.
Lord what I wouldn't give to have that man in my bed. I thought walking away. I called Joy's phone but of course she didn't answer. I walked out to the parking lot and put my phone in my pocket.
My red mustang stuck out in the semi full parking lot. I turned the key in the ignition and my car puttered. After trying three times I hit the steering wheel out of frustration. I groaned getting out the car. I got out and looked under the hood.
All this is completely foreign to me. However I am sure that I need a jump. Just my luck there was no one around. I bent down looking at all the parts. Defeated and annoyed I felt a light tap on my shoulder.
I turned and saw some unknown boy. He was about 5'9 with ash brown hair and two different color eyes. His skin a light shade of chocolate.
"Hey I'm Chris. I um see you have a problem with your car." He said. His voice sounding pleasant but his sarcasm was not needed.
No I just love standing out. I thought to myself.
"Yazmin." I said reaching my hand out. "Car won't start." I stated pointing to the car.
He didn't take my handshake so I put it down. I turned around to tend to my car. He came closer with out warning. Before I could think my reflexes kicked into action twisting his arm.
He yelled out in pain while hitting me with the other.
"HEYY!" A deep voice yelled from a far.
I let go of his arm, punched him in the face, and kicked him in the balls. When he fell to the ground I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Hey what the hell is going on?" Michael said pissed.
"Professor Jackson my car won't start and I was out here looking under the hood of my car looking for I don't know what. Then this random guy walks up like he's gonna help and walked up close to me. I didn't know what was happening." I said looking from him to Chris.

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