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Sorry if you've already read this. I went back and edited it a little but when I went to view it as a reader it didn't show what I changed, so I had to republish it, so hopefully this fixed it. Xx

Yoongi watched the crying boy drive off. Damn that kid is sensitive.

To say Yoongi was frustrated would be an understatement. All he wanted to do was go home and invite his best friend over to play video games, but he couldn't, because Hoseok practically hated him now. But, now that Yoongi thinks he figured out what's really going on between the boys, even though Jimin basically swore on his life he was wrong, he decided he needed to talk to Hoseok and apologize.

So, he got out his phone and dialed his number while walking to his car.

After a few rings, Yoongi was greeted with a "What the fuck do you want?"

Yoongi sighed, "Can we talk?"

"Make it quick, I have to go-"

"No, Hobi. Can I come over, I want to talk to you in person." Yoongi cut him off, he really did miss hanging out with him. Hoseok was like a brother to him, and for Hoseok to say he hates him breaks his heart.

"What about, Yoongi? I have plans."

"I just want to clear things up with you, man. I'm leaving the school now, please just let me come over. All I need is thirty minutes of your time." Yoongi pressed, smiling when he heard a defeated sigh on the other end.

"Hurry up."


"There better be a good damn reason that you're here." Hoseok said, opening the door up so Yoongi could come in.

Yoongi made himself comfortable, sitting down on the leather sofa. Hoseok followed, staring the boy down.

It was quiet for a while before Yoongi finally said, "I'm sorry, Hoseok."

Hoseok looked him at him with an unamused expression.


"I'm sorry for what I did to Jimin that night. I didn't realize he means so much to you...I truly am sorry." Yoongi stood up and started to pace as he was explaining himself. "You're my best friend, Hoseok. You basically cut me off for Jimin, and when I saw him that night it just made me think of that so I wanted to get back at him, and it was so wrong of me. But when you came and caught us and flipped out on me...all those things I said...I was drunk, Hoseok.  I just, I don't know...." he trailed off, looking at Hoseok.

Hoseok's facial expression had softened, but he didn't seem to be too happy with Yoongi's apology.

"Did you apologize to Jimin?" Was the first thing that Hoseok said, and Yoongi couldn't help but to roll his eyes.

"and back to Jimin...." Yoongi mumbled, crossing his arms over his chest. "Y'Know, I never thought you would be one of those people who cut all your friends off for your boyfriend, Hoseok. I thought we were better friends than that, but I was obviously wrong. I just don't understand how you could cut me off like that and not feel the least bit guilty!"

"Wait, what? Did you just call Jimin my boyfriend?" Hoseok said in disbelief, letting out a small chuckle.

"Oh don't play dumb, Hobi. It makes perfect sense! You're up his ass more than I take naps. You're super defensive over him, like I seriously thought you were gonna beat my ass that night you saw me almost kiss him, and-"

"Yoongi. Stop." Hoseok said, standing up and walking over to the shorter, " Me and Jimin are not together."

Yoongi rolled his eyes, "So, what then? Do you hang out with him because you feel sorry for him? I don't get it, Hoseok!"

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